The Argument

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Jaehaerys Targaryen felt anxious, as he walked out of his chambers towards the Godswood, the still dark sky of the early morrow enveloped Winterfell in a chilly breeze. He was still thinking of his dream the previous night, but the real cause for his unforgiving nerves, was his imminent union with his beloved. Dany...

It had been only three days since he'd discovered the truth of who he really was, not a bastard but a prince. It was something to confuse anyone, even more with the many things changing and threatening his and his loved ones lives. The Night King would be upon them in barely a fortnight, and if they survived this then he would have to take on another responsibility.

He'd had a dream where his father, his real father, told him that he must accept his true self, a Targaryen king. He wanted to make him and his mother proud, that's all he ever really wanted ever since he could want something, —that and being a true born, were his heart's desires since he was a little boy— but for more than he tried to embrace that he was a descendant from the great dragonlords of Valyria, his insecurities won him over. What ifs filling his head...

His mind kept going back to some of Catelyn Stark's words, and for more that he tried, he couldn't help it, his own mind hadn't processed the fact that he wasn't a bastard anymore, that he never was, that her words had tortured him all his life, just to find out that her hate was unfounded.

"You're nothing more than a stain in this family..."

"Get out of my sight, boy."

"You could never be better than Robb. You could never be better than any of my children."

"What do you know? You're just a bastard..."

Her hateful words kept ringing as he grew closer to the Godswood, what if he wasn't enough for Dany? She was a queen and he was just a bast- no, he wasn't. 'I am the heir to the Iron Throne, not a bastard, I'm enough for her. I can be enough, right?' He sighed. He had so many insecurities that just resurfaced overnight, maybe it was seeing his fath- uncle Ned again, but the dream just messed up with his somewhat acceptance of the truth.

He finally reached the tree and found himself to Arya's back, she was sitting in front the Weirwood tree, Needle at her side. He approached her quietly, not wanting to disturb her.

"Am I too early?" She asked him when he stood beside her, Jon looked down at her, her gray eyes meeting him. They reminded him of who he used to be, before he was killed, a small reassurance that someone always thought he was enough. He needed that, now more than ever.

"You were always an early riser." He told her with a chuckle, Arya nodded her head absentmindedly, as she turned to look towards the carved face in the tree again. "We used to train about this time in the past." She mused.

"Aye... Sometimes I miss those days more than anything." He told her honestly, Arya looked up at him again with a small smile on her face. She opened her mouth to say something, but the sound of crunching snow stopped her. They both moved their gaze towards Sam, who came shuffling with his fur and a book.

"Oh. Hello." Sam greeted when he reached them and saw Arya. "You must be Jon's other sister Arya?" She nodded with a serious expression, she looked as if she were studying him. He noticed that she did this a lot.

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