How We Met (Green[Male]xYellow)

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~*Yellow's POV*~

"OMA! Are you, like totally serious?!"

"Was it obvious to anyone?"

"No, she was always happy."

"Poor girl, I wish I was there to help her." Whispers arose from the crowd, everyone mumbling and exchanging words of pity and/or gossip. I was curious and walked in between the crowd, pushing through the people with my short height. They were gathering around something, or someone.

"Hey Yellow, stay back. We don't want you to see this." A crimson hued boy said, pushing me back before I could get a glimpse of the situation.

"But Red! I'm like 15! I know the world already and all it's-"

"You're too innocent, Yelz. Even if you do, we wouldn't want the nicest girl in school to feel shameful or depressed, now would we?" Red forces a grin, he looked weary and tired. I pouted, he was a good friend, but sometimes a little overprotective. NOW that I think of it, everyone in school treats me like this. They always label me as fragile.

I huffed, That still doesn't mean I couldn't know the situation. I thought to myself before disappearing away from Reds sight thanks to my short and small figure.
As soon as I reached the centre of the crowd- with much difficulty from my overprotective seniors and even juniors, dare I add. I saw yellow police tap wrapped around the place, police men were standing firm, trying to get ahold of some students. A few whom were crying.
"What happened?" I asked, but to my displease, no one replies. My eyes caught a flick of the floor, blood was spreading around my feet. It was a massively real surrounding my, and close objects, base.

Hazel hues scan the area, until a dead body caught the scene in my eyes. "Oh goodness Mew, what happened?" I pushed through the remaining crowd, easily slipping pass the police officers.

:Isn't this Alice? The girl from the PKMN History class? I thought once I spotted thelatinum blonde lying sprawled across the floor, a metallic scent hits my nose, it was there but I never noticed until I caught sight of blood. I wanted to puke.

"Oi! What're you doing here?" Someone barks, turning to my right I saw a boy.. He had the most perfect pair of emerald green eyes I have ever seen. It was a trance for me if I hadn't remembered poor Alice who was still surrounded by officials.

"W-what happened here?" I ask ignoring the question, "I-is Alice o-okay? H-how-" before I could continue, I felt myself feeling nauseous as a wave of the displeasing smell came to me. I must've fainted, because once I awoken, I only found myself to be in the Clinic with a glass of water by my side. The windows were grey, the sky held a look of an overcast. The mood was absolutely terrible.

That's when I realised- why am I here?

"Oh, you're awake." I heard a deep voice whisper in my ear, I shivered and swiftly turned to my right, seeing the boy from earlier sitting in the half of my bed. Squeaking, I looked around for more evidential clues of maybe finding out more reasons why I was truly here.

"You fainted back at the scene. I brought you here, don't worry, I didn't do anything. It's only been half an hour, the Nurse said you can't leave just yet, rest for the day here. She went somewhere to get more medical supplies and asked me to stay and tell you this." He shrugs casually. The whole time my eyes were glued to his emerald ones.

Sadly, he was looking away. Then did I just notice that his face was so.. So emotionless. Absolutely no sense of feeling in him. It broke me a little to see someone like this.

"Uh-erm.. T-thank you..." In a soft low levelled voice, I tested my parched throat. Yup, I was dying of thirst.

"Here, water." He shoved me a glass. Rude, I thought, Obviously he's not a man with much talk. After gulping down the entire thing, I finally remembered what happened before. Alice. Dead. Blood. Policemen.

"W-what happened back there anyway? And why were you in there and the other students held back?" I ask, curiosity hidden well.

"Oh.. It seems that Alice committed, um.." He trailed off, I narrowed my eyes to a glare (and failed miserably might I add) Isn't this Red's friend? That's when it hit me, Red probably told him about me.

"Don't worry, it's not like Red would blow a fuse. Besides, I'm 15!" Those words I had to repeat often a day. The boy sighed,
"Alice committed suicide, she jumped off the 5th floor. And I'm the president of the student council for your information Ms.De Verde." He says with a casual shrug.

"Alice? No way! She was always-"

"Please.. I don't want to talk about it.." He mutters. Oh, he must've been close with her, I thought. ". . . I'll be taking my leave now, don't go off causing ruckus, the Nurse said you stay here. Go and get some sleep on the meantime." Then he left the room. With a sigh, I crashed right back to the bed.

Wait... I never got his name! I mentally screamed, jumping to my feet, I look around the I hall ways. No one was there. He sorta just.. Disappeared? That's okay, I guess, I'll just ask Red tomorrow.

"What are you looking for?"

"OMA!" I shouted, jumping from the floor with a thrilled spine. Behind me I saw him. Leaning against the door frame, a plastic cup in his hands and a pair of dark shades on the other. "D-don't scare me like that!" I exclaimed, holding back the urge to playfully hit him.

"I wasn't even trying," he mumbles, "Oh, and my name is Green,.. Green Oak by the way." He states as if he read my mind. Then he finally left the room, leaving me agape. For some reason, I had my eyes looking dreamily at his back and a goofy smile on my face. I felt butterflies in my stomach but it felt good, my Herat was thumping madly out of its cage and it was just so. . So. . . Oh Arceus, don't tell me I'm- . . . Oh no, yup, yes I am.


"Mummy, how did you and Dad met?" The tiny child ask, tugging on my dress. I smile, kneeling down to pick him up.

"That... That is something people of your age shouldn't know.. Just yet."


Sorry.. That I couldn't do much for this chapter, yes, I know, no romance. Alice isn't a real character btw, well, there is a girl named Alice in PKMN but not this one. I'll try to continue sometime, maybe get a better part two chapter for this one.

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