Chapter 5 - Tears

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Chapter 5 - Tears 

AN - This brings this story current with and AO3!  I'll continue with updates going forward and again probably 2-3 more chapters to go and all will be posted before the new shows return!

Disclaimer: No clever way to deny ownership of CW's Arrow but rest assured that I have no legal rights! 


"Fee..lee..cee...tee." One old woman spoke a garbled version of Felicity's name and Barry immediately stepped forward eagerly. 

"Yes, Felicity is Oliver's friend. She sent me to find him. Do you know where he is?" Barry spoke quickly in his excitement but when the women spoke to one another in an unrecognizable language he realized speed probably wasn't his only problem. However, the women gestured to him and turned away so he followed as he spoke softly to the Team. 

"I'm going to follow them." 


Team Arrow and Thea anxiously tracked Barry as he followed the League Guardians. As he proceeded deeply into the mountain though the tracking disappeared suddenly and Felicity called out urgently. 

"Barry, Barry! We've lost your tracking device. Are you okay?" 

The silence stretched out for several moments and Thea watched as the others exchanged worried looks. It was Diggle who spoke next and his voice was authoritative. 

"Barry, check-in now." 

Again, silence. 

Barry knew he needed to update Team Arrow but he was grateful for their continued silence as he tried to figure out what was going on. He had followed the two old ladies through a twisted labyrinth until they arrived at what felt like a fire pit. The smoke followed some unseen path through the rock ceiling and the fire blazed brightly enough to easily heat the chamber. There lying on a stone table next to the fire was a nearly unrecognizable Oliver Queen. 

Oliver was not only cocooned in white fur as the women had been but what skin was visible appeared to be charred. Stepping closer, Barry realized that it was some type of paste. As he looked around at the small plants surrounding Oliver as well as various stones and crystals, he suddenly understood that it was some type of burial tradition. That thought froze him in place as he realized that he hadn't been fast enough to save Oliver. For a moment, he just stared in shock as he considered the loss of his friend and mentor. As he watched, a spasm shook Oliver's body and he spoke even though his eyes remained closed. 


Barry's eyes widened at the realization that he was alive and they widened further as the old woman again repeated her version of the name. 


Nodding to the old woman, Barry knelt next to Oliver to speak. His tone was one of wondrous surprise and joy. "Hey Oliver - it's Barry. It's good to see you. Felicity sent me to get you and I think it's time we get you back to her, don't you?" 

Oliver remained immobile and unresponsive. Barry frowned intently as he used the ATOM technology to quickly scan his friend. His body temperature was elevated as was his heart rate but there were no obvious signs of life threatening injuries which would prevent him from responding. He turned back to speak to the women as one stepped forward. 

The woman carried a pouch and small tin cup. She met Barry's eyes as she placed a small pinch of herbs from the pouch into the cup and then added what appeared to be water. Moving slowly, she went to Oliver's other side, lifted his head, and poured the drink down his throat. 

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