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"Lance? It is you, isn't it?" Keith asks while gazing into Lance's ocean blue eyes; already knowing the answer, but waiting for a response all the same.

Suddenly, Lance's lips are pressed tightly against Keith's. This kiss soft and warm, but somehow rough. Lance's body seems to move all on it's own, as if compelled by some unknown force. Soon fingers are tangled through hair, teeth are grazing at lips. The abundant heavens finally release a great thunder storm, soaking the two lovers to the bone and it doesn't matter because they are finally together and all the world around them seems to melt away as they hold each other close.

"Let's get you two out of the rain" interrupts a gentle voice, Keith's right hand and close friend, Shiro.

"I have a place we can go" Pidge chimes in. They trek through the storm toward their car, Hunk following closely behind. Once inside Pidge ignites the engine and leads the way down the boisterous city streets.

*                                  *                                   *                                   *                                   *

Now, only somewhat drier, the team stands in Pidge's small studio apartment located in downtown. Pidged moves across the room to close the curtains and shield the room from the intense lights outside. Most of the floor is covered in various wires that lay in every direction, which all met with the large computer setup at the middle of the room, a sunken in couch sat behind the setup against the wall, on the walls hung several maps of the solar system, instructions and machine layouts, pushed into the far corner was a small bed which looked as though it had not been made in sometime, near the entrance stood a small kitchen with several used mugs of coffee; this was perhaps the only area aside from the bathroom that did not have wires running through it.

"How about I make us something to eat?" Hunk suggests.

"You're welcome to use the kitchen, but I doubt you'll find much in the fridge or pantry" Pidge says while shaking the water from their hair.

"Shiro, why don't you go pick up somethings to cook" Keith says. He had not taken his eyes off of Lance since their meeting in the abandoned building.

Shiro nods and quietly makes his way toward the door.

"We'll come with" Hunk says while leading Pidge out the door.

Hunk lingered a smile at Lance and winked before closing the door behind him. It was only Keith and Lance that stayed behind. Lance was speechless. Though, he was thrilled to have his love here in arms reach he was also terrified at the thought of having almost killed him. This had to be a mistake. Lazarus must have given Lance the wrong information. Surely he didn't mean to send Lance to kill Keith. He needed answers.

"Can you wait here for me?" Lance finally said.

"Where are you going?"

"It's business. I have to take care of something," Lance looked down feeling shame.

"Can't that wait? I haven't seen you since the ceremony on Elisium*.

Silence hung in the air like a fowl stench. Keith could see that Lance's mind was made up and turned to sit on the sunken in couch. Lance reached his hand out, gripping Keith's wrist, spinning him towards himself. He presses himself close, cupping one hand on Keith's hip and the other at the nape of his neck. They stare at each other only for a moment before their lips come crashing into one another the way the ocean hits the shore. Lance could feel his body swell with heat and excitement. He could feel Keith's hand reaching beneath his coat to graze his finger tips against his tan skin. Lance had to force himself to stop. He moved his hands to Keith's face and pulled his lips away. It stung his chest to stop, but he had to get answers first.

"I'll be back, I promise" Lance kissed Keith one last time before rushing out the door.

The waiting room was exceptionally cold and Lance was still damp from the thunderstorm. His skin had chills running through it both from the temperature and his nerves. He had been waiting to speak with Lazarus since five appointments ago. Being the owner of the city's most prominent financial institution came with certain demands and lots of tedious meetings. Lance bounced his knee up and down impatiently before he was finally called in by the sentry receptionist. Lance straightened himself and entered Lazarus' office. The office seemed darker than it did before. The only light that came in was through the large glass window behind Lazarus' desk. All Lance could see was Lazarus' silhouette. He appeared to be looking for something. A metal click echoed in the room and a tiny flame appeared, lighting the cigarette that was held up to Lazarus' face.

"That was quick" he finally said.

"The assignment is still incomplete."

"Oh? Then would you care to explain why you are wasting my time by standing here instead of doing what I paid you to do?" Lazarus hissed. "Well?! Get going!"

"I can't. I think you gave me the wrong information" Lance sputtered while trying to stay calm.

Lazarus rose from his desk and stood in front of Lance. He kneeled slightly to peer into Lance's face. The smoke from the cigarette invaded Lance's nostrils, stinging his throat. It was so difficult for him to hold himself up straight now. He felt so tense and so unsure. Never in all his time as an assassin had he felt this way. Lance had always been confident and his mere presence commanded respect, h always had the power, but not this time. What was this feeling unsettling feeling?

"I don't pay you to think. The information I gave you is correct and if you don't bring that half-breed's head to me by the end of the week then it will be YOUR head that I have"

Lance bowed his head.

"My apologies. I will do as you say"

*Elysium is an eden like planet on which many royal ceremonies are held.

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