Chapter 9

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A/N: I noticed that chapter five has less reads than 6 which has less than 7, so if you missed chapter 5 pls go back and read it. You may be confused about some things if you don't! xx

*Harry's POV*

Tonight was the night of our show in Doncaster. I had no energy in me. I was living off Red Bulls and coffee. Sometimes I was afraid I was going to fall asleep in the middle of a show or something, but I knew that the lads wouldn't let that happen.

Why have I been exhausted lately? Well, I could only tell you that it's because of the blue-eyed boy. He hasn't reached out to me lately, but he did tell me that he was spending time with his family, so he may not be able to talk very much.

I opened up my Instgram app and logged into my fan account. I scrolled down a bit to see a picture of Louis in his seat for the Doncaster gig. I pretty much choked and fell off of the chair I was sitting in. Louis was going to be watching me tonight. Now, I don't usually get nervous, but my hands started to become shaky at the thought of performing tonight.

I want to see him so bad, I thought to myself. I sighed and thought for a bit, about what I could do to meet him once again. Also, I wanted him to have better seats. His were in the higher levels and I need a better view of him dancing along to our songs. I sat and thought for a about five more minutes, before an idea popped into my head.

It was the break in between the opening act and our act, so finding Paul wasn't going to be too hard. My eyes soon fell apon the burly man, so I headed over to talk to him.

"Paul, I need you to do me a huge favor," I pleaded

"What might that be, Harry?" he replied.

"I need you to find someone. His name is Louis Tomlinson and he's here with a friend. I just really need to see him."

"Harry, I don't know--"

I cut him off and gave him my best pouty face,"Please. Pretty please with whipped cream on top?"

"Fine, do you know what section he's sitting in?"

"C'mon Paul I'll do anything. Anyth--wait what?"

"What section is the boy sitting in?"

"Oh. Umm, I don't exactly know, but it's towards the middle of the back. He's in the upper sections. His name is Louis Tomlinson. Oh, and Paul? Make sure they get better seats. Like row one or two."

"Okay. I'll see what i can do," Paul said, and winked at me.

I nearly jumped for joy at that point and gave Paul a huge hug. I thanked him a million times. He turned around and made his way throught the large crowd. I turned around to Niall, who gave me a confused look. I just shrugged at him before calling Liam and Zayn over.

I told them that we would be having a friend of mine backstage and that they should act nice and normal.

"I knew it," Zayn said.

"Knew what?" I questioned.

"You, young Harold, have a crush. And it's on the lad who will be coming back to meet us any minute," Zayn announced.

Liam and Niall chuckled from my surprised reaction.

"No," I protested. "I do not have a crush.I just know him, okay."

"Yeah, and the Jersey Shore is filmed in California," Niall sassed as him and Liam high-fived each other.

"Shut up you two it wasn't even funny," Zayn told the laughing duo.

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