Chapter 13

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(Harry with a baby on the top/side because why not)

*Louis' POV*

I woke up snuggled between a pair of strong arms. The home I was in was unfamiliar and I was extremely confused about what was happening at the moment. Then, it all came flooding back to me and I internally freaked out. I was inside of Harry Styles' apartment building, snuggled between his arms, on his extremely expensive maroon plush sofa.

I felt him shift slightly from behind me for a bit before the television in the front of the room turned on. He must have woken up and powered it up. I figured he thought I was still sleeping. I turned around in my spot to face him and he kissed me on the forehead.

"If you'll let me get up, I'll make us some tea. Then, we can go out to dinner. Does that sound okay?" Harry questioned me, his voice rough from sleep.

I nodded in response and let him off the couch. I pulled my phone from my pocket to check the time and for any texts. It was half five at night and I had four missed calls from Eleanor. The most recent call was from about 15 minutes ago. I pressed her contact and clicked her number to call her back.

"Louis!" She answered after the second ring. "How did the meet-up with H go?"

"Better than expected," I replied with a chuckle. "It turns out that H was actually Harry Styles."

"You're lying, Louis."

"No I'm not I'm actually being serious."

"Prove it."

"Fine. Harry! Come here for a second," I called to the kitchen where Harry was making the tea. Soon enough, the sound of footsteps grew loud and Harry was sitting right next to me on the sofa.

"Can you say hi to Eleanor for a second, please?" I questioned.

"Of course," Harry responded as he took my phone into hands hands. "Hello, Eleanor it's Harry. I just wanted to say hi and that your friend, Louis is a very lovely man. Maybe the three of us could have lunch sometime so that we could get to know each other better because I'll most likely be spending a lot more time with Louis in the near future. Hope to see you soon. Bye, El."

Harry finished and handed the phone back to me.

"See? I told you," I said.

"How should I know that it wasn't a recording?" Eleanor pressed.

"Because you'll believe me like a good friend would. How about he's going to drop me off from dinner tonight. Come to my apartment, I'll text you on my way home, and you can meet him."

"Fine, Louis. I've got to go, phone's about to die. Bye!" El said before the line went dead.

After Harry had talked to Eleanor, he had gone back to tend the tea. A couple minutes after I had hung up the phone, Harry was back from the kitchen with one tea cup in each hand. He handed one to me and I thanked him. He sat down on the sofa next to me and I leaned on his shoulder.

Reruns of Glee were playing on the TV. I was watching as Harry was checking his Twitter. It was the Britney Spears episode, and it was Brittany and Santana's hallucination song. When the song was over, I looked over at Harry's Twitter feed.

"You better be following me, Haz," I told him.

"I actually don't know your username," Harry stated with a smile and a slight chuckle leaving his lips.

"it's @/princestyles. Most of the tweets are from before I met you so it might be kind of weird."

Harry just nodded and went to my profile. He clicked the follow button and tweeted me , 'Hi .x'. Not even seconds later, my phone's notifications started blowing up. To thank Harry, I gave him a kiss on the cheek and resumed watching the tv show.

About an hour later, I found myself getting ready for dinner. Since my clothes from earlier were still in good shape, I just straightened them out and slipped on my vans. Harry did the same and slipped on his old, brown ankle booths. We grabbed our phones and jackets and headed outside to Harry's car.

We skipped into Harry's car and he clicked on the radio. Story of my Life was playing and once he heard it, he went to switch it off. When I saw him reach of the volume dial, I slapped his hand away.

"Your voice is beautiful, love, don't turn the music off," I said to him.

Harry's cheeks flushed when he nodded. We continued listening to the song, as I made him sing his solos and we did the other parts together. After some other songs had played, we soon found ourselves parked in front of an Italian restaurant.

We walked in together, Harry's hand guiding me by caressing my lower back. The young lady, who looked to be in her mid twenties, brought us to a table towards the center of the room. Harry smiled and thanked the lady while I just smiled and nodded at her.

During the meal, our conversations had flowed like water. When there was a silence, it wasn't awkward. It was comfortable. It was kind of strange to think that I was actually out to dinner with Harry Styles. When we were finished eating, I fished out my wallet to pay for my meal. I felt a hand lightly grasp my wrist before I could go to retrieve my credit card.

"I've got it, Lou," Harry said softly.

"Are you su--" I started to question.

"Positive," he interrupted me with the one word. A smile quickly followed.

Harry payed and tipped our server. We headed out with our bodies pressed closely together, Harry's hand lightly holding my hip. We broke apart right before we got to the car.

Harry started it and drove as I pointed out the directions back to my flat. I texted Eleanor to come down to the lobby once we were a couple minutes away from my apartment complex. Once we arrived to the building, Eleanor came bounding out of it. Panting and out of breath, she made it to the car and Harry had rolled down the window.

"Hey, Eleanor," Harry said calmly.

The shock on her face was as clear as clean glass. 

"You're Harry Styles?" she asked and Harry nodded. A cheeky, dimpled grin dominated his adorable face. She somehow became even more shocked and turned around towards the direction of her own car. She was probably rethinking her whole entire life and existance.

"Bye, Harry," I said, kissing him on the cheek.

"Goodnight, love," he replied, pecking me on the forehead.

I sent Eleanor a goodbye wave after getting out of the car. I entered my apartment complex and headed straight to my flat. I changed into pajamas and fell right to sleep on my bed.

I awoke the next morning to the sound of my text tone. The message was from Eleanor.

Eleanor my lover for eternity: Louis you're ALL over the internet (See one attatchment)

Attatched was an article from Sugarscape. It was titled 'Harry Styles seen with mystery man?'  I read through it and discovered that there had been paps at the restaurant last night. I googled Harry's name only to find even more articles about dinner. More specifically about who I was.

Oh no.

a/n: hey guys. sorry i haven't updated in a long time. ive been super busy with school and homework, its just so hard to keep up with the updates for this story.

please check out my new Larry AU called Birdcage!! It is probably my favorite storyline ive ever written so please read it!

also, for those of you who are reading My Sister's Best Friend, that will (hopefully) be updated very soon.

love you all and thanks for the support!

-Gavi xx

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