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"you did what?" taehyung exclaims, mouth agape as his oreo cookie falls into the glass of milk he is holding and dramatically sinks. it is currently saturday, the day after jimin and namjoon's performance. right after the embarrassing incident of jimin acting on impulse, the dancer humiliatingly ran due to the amount of embarrassment and fear that was building up in his system. due to that, jimin wasn't able to see the producer's reaction. he sure hopes that namjoon doesn't hate him or starts to avoid him when they just made up a few days ago. early in the morning, jimin's bothered mind pleads taehyung to come over to talk about the unforgettable and regrettable incident. now at nine o'clock in the morning, the two, still in pajamas, are in jimin's living room as they have their late breakfast. the dancer suddenly breaks the news to taehyung who right after hearing it choked on his milk and strings of coughs follow.

"i know, it's horrible," jimin whines, anxiousness bubbling on the pit of his stomach as he realizes how wrong and how he regrets kissing namjoon on impulse. he looks at his plate, his portion of store-bought nuggets are untouched and have lost all its warmth. instead of hunger making his stomach grumble, his guilt makes it roar which prevents jimin from stomaching anything.

"yeah, i mean you did not even confess," taehyung mumbles, focused on retrieving back his sunken cookie in the milk. his face wrinkles in disgust as his long finger comes in contact with the cold liquid. "you're going to give joonie mixed signals."

"how am i even giving him mixed signals? he doesn't even like me to begin with," the dancer replies heart sinking like taehyung's cookie at the mention of the older's lack of romantic interest towards the dancer. "isn't he dating mira? or at least, like mira?"

jimin still remembers how close the producer and the singer were. he envied how mira could be close and touch namjoon without a problem while jimin is always awkward whenever he makes eye contact or even the slightest skin-to-skin contact with the producer. namjoon would look at her as how one would look at their special someone and they even have their own inside jokes. moreover, the two are childhood friends meaning they had known each other longer than jimin, who the older only had met for a few months. in summary, there's a lot of reasons why it is possible for namjoon to like mira in a romantic manner. due to that, the younger is only content being able to be friends with namjoon and watch from afar.

"i already told you this before, if namjoon likes mira then i'm straight" taehyung sighs, he gives up with the cookie and decides to leave it at the bottom of the glass. jimin rolls his eyes, not liking taehyung's jokes early in the morning when he is having existential grief. the dancer watches as taehyung takes another cookie from his paper plate and dunk it in the milk before speaking, "jimin, mira is lesbian."


in jimin's defence no one told him that.

"h-how was i supposed to know that?" jimin asks, pouting and cheeks heating up in embarrassment. the dancer was even confident about namjoon and mira having mutual feelings. jimin huffs, bouncing on the couch as he forcefully takes a cold nugget into his mouth. he frowns at the lack of warmth but continues to eat it anyway, deciding that this is the consequence that he deserves.

"umm, i don't know. maybe ask?" taehyung replies sarcastically to which jimin does not appreciate, especially in the situation he is in. the dancer glares at taehyung, and the taller of the two just shrugs. "i'm telling you namjoon is single," and jimin disagrees, taking another nugget from his plate. the smaller refuse to believe that the namjoon is single. he continues to chew as he racks his brain to remember anything from his memories.

"jimin, please, just confess to the dude," taehyung says as he gets up from his seat to get a fresh batch of cookies to eat.

"ok, so maybe not mira but," jimin starts, chest puffing up with confidence knowing this time he can prove taehyung wrong. he watches as taehyung comes back with new cookies and a glass of milk without the drowned cookie from the kitchen and sits back down on the couch. "one time, i saw hyung with a girl at mcdonald's and they looked pretty close."

taehyung just looks at the smaller and sighs for the second time. although jimin proved his point of the older having a romantic interest in another person, it doesn't help his already sunken heart. he is reminded once again how his crush will not look at him romantically.

"anyways!" taehyung ignores jimin's announcement. crunch "whether he has a crush on someone or not," crunch "why won't you confess to him? maybe you have a chance."

now it's jimin's turn to sigh— of course not forgetting to take another nugget and bites it— "taehyung, i don't want to lose our friendship. he's a great friend who accepts me despite being gay, and always encourages and support me. i don't want to lose that,"

"but you won't know jimin," taehyung gets up from the couch and walks towards the smaller to give him a warm hug, to which jimin reciprocates with the same amount of warmth.

"i'd rather not risk it tae,"

with that, taehyung nods in understanding. jimin greatly appreciated that the actor did not pressure him further to confess because honestly, jimin just feels sick in anxiety just thinking about it. the dancer says a soft thank you and taehyung goes back to his seat. jimin feels the spot where the actor sat gradually rises as he takes in another cold nugget.

"so, what do you want to do about this?" taehyung sincerely asks. jimin fidgets in his seat. "i hope you weren't planning on avoiding him."

jimin laughs nervously because that's exactly what he is planning on doing. sighing tiredly, jimin melts in the couch, focusing on the softness and the soft texture of his couch than the unpleasant feeling bubbling on the pit of his stomach. "i don't really kno—"

before jimin could finish his sentence, his phone interrupts him by ringing loudly. the dancer rolls his eyes, what a timing, he thinks. he places his plate down on the mahogany table as he picks up the phone next to it.

joonie 💗 displays on the screen, making jimin drop his phone in shock.

"w-what happened?" genuinely worried, taehyung rushes towards the smaller to check who the caller is. "wow, what a timing," taehyung comments and chuckles afterwards.

"t-tae! what should i do?!" jimin panics holding onto his knees and squeezing them to the point his knuckle turns white.

"first of all, calm down and then answer it," taehyung instructs sitting down next to the dancer.

"b-but what if he asks about yesterday?"

"then tell him."

"b-but tae!"

"look, i don't think there's any use of lying."

jimin looks at his phone as he watches it vibrate on the table. he gnaws on his lips, hesitant to pick it up like what taehyung tells him to do. however, part of him itches to answer the call, knowing he'll feel worse if he doesn't answer.

before jimin knows it, he is picking up his vibrating phone from the table and pressing the green and seemingly ominous button. the dancer gulps down before speaking, "hello?"

"h-hey," namjoon, on the other side of the phone, responds awkwardly, voice sounding raspy. "how are you?"

"g-good, you?" jimin averts his eyes on the table and looks at taehyung. his eyes screaming for help and

pleading for the actor to instruct him on what to say.

"y-yeah, great. uhh, you know, um," the producer starts to sound nervous and unable to complete a proper sentence, which is very unusual considering the producer's personality.

"w-wanna go on a d-d-da— i mean, go out tomorrow?"


hey guys!!! this book is about to finish!!! it took longer and had more chapters than what i intended to! HOWEVER, a good news is,, i decided to make a few extra chapters about jimin's and namjoon's dating life!! 



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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2020 ⏰

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