Chapter 3

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It had been two days since the whole incident and it was all Jungkook could  think about. His wolf was restless, to be touched again by their mate but being a Prime, his ego was sometimes bigger than his wants. You see the stubborn alpha just can't accept that he is gonna bottom in future, there is no fucking way he can dominate Taehyung, His mate is a LINX, an ancient mythical creature said to have immeasurable powers and abilities.... He remembers mentions of Taehyung fighting during war during a few history classes about the origin, though he wants to see for himself... but its not much of an origin if they don't even know where the Elder came from. Apart from that, he wants to be an amazing mate to the Elder. He can't imagine, waiting for how many goddamn centuries just to get a stupid excuse of a mate,Elder Kim was one of the greatest heroes alive, and still is...  He deserves royalty, and jungkook is willing to do that for him.

                    The said Elder was in an important discussion  with his father in his office whilst he is in his office with piles of pack documents in front of him, which he had been neglecting.
    The intoxicating scent of his mate hit him like a truck...making his head feel a bit fuzzy on how strong it was. He looked up and his heart swelled,seeing Elder him with a smile on his face and a tray with his homemade food. "Bun... why don't you take a little break and enjoy what I made you... I brought banana milk too... "He then placed the tray of food on the coffee table in the office, moving to his mate. Jungkook felt all giddy, seeing the Elder take his time to  cook for him,it was a good feeling, to be cared for. "What is my darling thinking of? ""Thank you" "for what bun? " "We only officially accepted our mate bond two days ago and you're perfect already "he then moved to pick up the tray and settle it one his desk, picking his chopsticks and ready to dig in."I'll always do my best to be perfect for you Koo... I've waited too long for you and I'm going to make you happy "Taehyung said with so much emotion and sincerity in his voice that Jungkook felt overwhelmed." I don't have any experience with all this but I-... oh fuck it! "with that, the Prime pulled Taehyung to him, grabbing his collar and placing his lips on his.... And he felt tingles shoot down his spine.... his body jolted when he felt strong, muscular arms circle his waist, pulling their bodies flush against each other... a surprise whimper escaped his lips when he felt Taehyung's  lips move against his, soft warm lips dancing with his, with soo much urgency it left him weak in the knees. Taehyung on the other hand couldn't get enough of those supple lips on his and plunged his tongue into the Prime's  warm cavern, their tongues rubbing against each other and entwined, probing, tasting...... The Elder moved to suck on the primes plump bottom lip making it red and proceeding to kiss him again till they needed air. Jungkook looked so wrecked and they'd only kissed..... Imagine what he'd look like if they mated...

     Taehyung used one large hand to softly cup his face"bun.... "His voice deep and raspy, slender , almond , light hazel eyes staring down, deeply into Jungkooks big doe almost black ones"you taste wonderful... And if care is not taken.... I just might ravish you here.. "Taehyung could smell the Primes arousal and if that wasn't proof enough of how worked up jungkook had gotten, the hardness between his legs surely would be enough"... I want to take you out on a date... to properly court you.... Before I mate you but bun, I'm losing my self control  and I don't know how long before I claim you... I'm inexperienced too....bun.... I've never been intimate with anyone, knowing my mate could be out there and now I'm with you that control is slipping away... "Jungkook stared at Taehyung with wide eyes, shocked from hearing that Elder Kim was a virgin. It would have turned some off but his cock twitched from hearing that. He felt happy  that his mate was also a virgin, and they'd have their firsts with each other "I'm going to take you on a date then""Bun I asked first""No hyungie, you're going on a date with me two days from now! " "anything for you bun"


After their lunch and make out, They got to know each other, though Elder Kim knew so much about jungkook from his childhood, Jungkook barely knew anything about him... So Jungkook asked many things and realised how different things we're compared to ancient times... He asked about Taehyungs parents and the Elder explained that they were amazing but their mistake was going against the gods, the Elder also said he had somethings his parents had made and left and would show him oneday. Jungkook realised the Elder was a calm and collected person, always listening and analyzing situations before he acted. He had a charm to him, apart from the wisdom, that drew you in.... its not surprising how many people look up to him, he's that good of a leader. Jungkook discovered, on a personal level that the Elder was a lonely person... He always tried to make others happy so their smiles would fill his emptiness with some sort of warmth... Which hadn't been effective until Jungkook was born and that made him sad, to think the Elder wasnt really ever happy, and his existence was the only light he had. He can't imagine, only being used for Centuries to keep the peace and everyone satisfied, If you haven't ever felt it. The elder told him a few funny stories in his life time, And also a bit of history on the Jeon family line. Taehyung shocked Jungkook when he told the Prime of all the jobs he did in ancient times to earn money, and he in fact, had gone to school and had several masters degrees and PhDs. He told jungkook about his love for art, cooking, music, dance and many others and had spoken about a few famous artists in history he had met, his personal favorites being Vincent Van Gogh and Leonardo da Vinci, Mentioning that he had even worked with a few of them under the name "V" which Jungkook recognized and fanboyed over his mates works that he had several of. Jungkook felt proud he had scored an amazing mate and had silently thanked the moon goddess.

         Before their dinner, Jungkook told Taehyung that he wanted his family to know they were mates and the Elder was ecstatic.. Jungkooks wolf was howling in happiness haven seen a box-shaped grin on his mate's lips.

In the next chapter, they have dinner with the rest of the Jeons, you'll have
Taehyung's point of view sooner or later. .  


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