Chapter 11

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Third  person p. o. v

Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin had made their way to Crystal forest. It was easy for The Elder to break the barrier and enter with the Forest. They were  immediately taken to the palace and presented to the Fae officials in the palace. Taehyung spoke "I apologize for coming unannounced but I've been informed of the dispute over Dalbit, which belongs to the nymphs." One of the officials spoke, who went by the name Jung Hoseok was glaring at Elder Kim"That's absurd, we all know the land should belong to the Faeries.... They found Dalbit "the other officials agreed Immediately. The Elder frowned"And where did that  Information come from? " Hoseok narrowed his eyes at him"The story has been passed down from generations"The Elder laughed, Hitting the officials with the memory spell. Hoseok widened his eyes turning to the Elder"But I don't  understand.... Why isn't this in our history books?" The Elder answered"The Faeries then were  greedy, only wanting to enlarge their territory... The only way was to throw the nymphs out of Crystal forest "The Elder Kim, still holding Hoseok's gaze asked"What did you offer the witches years ago... When the late King and Queen died? "Hoseok's gaze hardened  " at that time, we believed the land was ours. I recently became an official but my parents were former officials. When they offered a plan to get the land back, they could not refuse and My father is related to one of those witches, specifically a night witch. That witch was his sister, who I heard had passed away in a fire.Her child who was also a Night witch my cousin Kim Namjoon was amongst those who planned the attack, according to my parents. I didn't know anyone died though, all they mentioned was of the land so the deaths may had been caused by the witches.... What didn't add up was how the death of my Aunt was connected to the attack... the official witches mentioned it once but only heard a bit of it. "Elder Kim looked uneasy and Jungkook noticed it. He had in mind to ask him later. "I thank you for clearing the misunderstanding though, we will gladly sign the treaty tomorrow, followed by a celebration.If you want to know about the witches, you'll have  to see my cousin, Namjoon but It would be easier to get to him through his mate, Kim Seokjin. He's an Orin and a doctor....Visiting the Min Vampire Coven... He went there for potions but I don't know what for... "I know him.. " Jungkook spoke  "He was my hyung in University. Jimin turned to Jungkook "He treated your wounds once when you got into a fight with your brother "Jungkook nodded.
                     The Faeries offered them guest rooms which they agreed to though Jimin accepted Hoseok's offer to tour the kingdom. The two mates had gone to their room, tired from the travel and wanting to rest.

The Next morning came. The Faeries had been informed of the misunderstandings by their officials and a celebration was held in the village square. They all  received Elder Kim warmly warmly, Thanking him for solving the problem. A few female and male Faeries were batting their eyelashes at him but leave it to Jungkook to scare them away making Elder Kim chuckle and softly kiss his mate, whispering a soft 'I love you and only you' compensating him and also making him blush. The celebration had gone well. Finally, It was time to sign the treaty. Elder Kim held a piece of paper, chanting a few spells, making the content of the treaty write themselves In gold. Jimin signed it, as a representative of the nymphs and Hoseok, for the Faeries. Elder Kim signed it as the witness, then binding it with one final spell. The Treaty was copied, one being given to Jimin to later return it to the Nymph treasury. the original was kept by the Faeries. After the celebration, The two mates retired to their room whilst Jimin stayed to have wine with the others.
                  Jungkook and Taehyung were now cuddling on the bed"Hyungie? " Taehyung hummed "Why were you so uneasy today when they mentioned the witches?.... when we were at Dalbit you were acting the same way....does the attack have anything to do with the witches? " Taehyung couldn't lie to his mate even if he tried, he couldn't also avoid the truth forever... "It all has a connection'll know soon enough, don't stress on it too much...get some sleep, we have to go to the Vampire Coven tomorrow... and baby... please remember that I love you soo much... even before you were born, There is a reason we have to get to Kim Namjoon,you'll know the connection soon.. "Taehyung stared at his mate with soo much love cupping his face and pressing his lips against his, Jungkook melting into the kiss immediately, hands tangling into the Elder's long curly locks. The kiss got heated, both getting aroused. They pulled apart, The Elder kissing his mate's forehead"hyungie.... the night you left, when I was fifteen, I was planning to confess the huge crush I had on you and ask you out... I even saved for months and got you a necklace... "Taehyung chuckled at his mate's confession "you'll have to give me the necklace when we go back home.. "  "I will... and I love you too hyungie "he said with a yawn, falling asleep right after.
                             Taehyung decided to get himself something to drink since he was not really feeling sleepy. He then came across a man, who seemed to be the older version of Hoseok."Its a pleasure to meet you Elder Kim, I'm Jung Bukhan, father of Jung Hoseok.... my sister was Kim Reya and her husband, Kim Ilsan... I don't recon remember her... she was a night witch, taking after our mother... "Mr. Jung said with an intense glare "Revenge is not mine to take Elder Kim, Its for Namjoon to do so.... but your actions will catch up to you
sooner or later, You can't pretend to be perfect forever... "

What do you think Mr Jung meant? We will be meeting other characters In the next chapter..... I hope you enjoyed this chapter! see you soon💜


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