Chapter 16

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Taehyung's p. o. v

Ever since I opened up to Jungkook two weeks ago, he's been more loving and protective towards me, always making sure to say something extra nice to me... He even makes me food sometimes. I've never felt this weightless and happy I don't feel like I'm losing control anymore. We've had sex a few times within the two weeks and I never once lost control over my emotions.... I'm just happy my baby bun won't be in pain soo much anymore.
I heard the door to my office open, the scent of grapes, lemon and rain hitting my nose, the addicting scent of my mate. Jungkook moved to me, cupping my face and softly kissing my lips which I returned. "Hey bun" he smiled "Hyungie... a group of old people are here to see us.... Ermm what you call the high order"I chuckled at the name he gave them"Well then, let's get going baby". then he smirked"After you, Elder Kim"

We made our way to the private hall, Elders from different races seated. They got up to bow to us, which we returned and all moved to sit around a long, rectangular table. Elder Im begun"Congratulations on finding your mate Elder Kim... and the treaty between the Faeries and the nymphs but that's not the matter at hand. You see Elder Kim, since you are now the Co-Leader of Blood moon pack, we are afraid you might not be able to fulfill your duties as one of the Elders-" Jungkook was growling "Excuse me but you're talking bullshit right now! " the Elders gasped "Elder Kim has been around for centuries, being the only Linx who survived. He has single handedly saved creatures of ancient times, historical times and all your ancestors' sorry asses.... and you have the fucking audacity to say he might not be able to fulfill his duties?!! "Jungkook was breathing hard, growls leaving his lips and eyes switching to coral pink and then back to dark brown"calm down baby... listen before you react... "I spoke through the mate bond, calming him down as he returned to his seat. The Elders has a frown on their faces at my mate's dark and dominating tone. But one of the Elders spoke up"What we are trying to say Alpha Jeon-Kim, Is that his responsibilities may be too much to handle... we had sources from your pack claiming that, your pack work was being neglected since you both returned from Dalbit, and since we don't, have any Elder representing wolves , we thought this was an opportunity to pick someone to train to be an Elder amongst the high order, right here in the Blood moon pack. We had been given a letter concerning the whole situation". I was now curious about the whole situation "If you don't mind, may I see the letter? "One of the Elders pulled out a letter, which seemed to be handwritten. The Blood moon pack symbol was on it and no one but a pack member could handle it since it was a magical seal I myself had invented years ago, so it was clearly from the pack. Usually, I'd sense who wrote the message but it was being covered by another spell from the pack "I very much Understand what you are Implying, Elder Im, and I agree. We don't have someone to represent the Werewolves but I cannot step down from my duties which was given to me by the moon goddess herself, unless you are ready to disintegrate if you are planning to overthrow me, along with my mate, who had been made immortal the day we mated... you clearly need a direct descendant of the Jeon bloodline, who can be trained.... the only available wolf is Jeon Junghyun... "Jungkook growled hearing this, he turned to me, eyes holding confusion and anger "trust me bun, I know what I'm doing, You'll find out later"Jungkook then regained composure after I told him through the bond I had a plan. "You're right Elder Kim, We will announce to your pack that Jeon Junghyun will be an Elder in training.Since our goal has been achieved, we will be leaving." The got up, ready to leave"Before you go Elder Im, may I have the letter? "He nodded and handed me the letter, bowing along with the other Elders.

When the Elders left, Jungkook stared at me. "Bun, you and I know we don't neglect our duties, someone in the pack is clearly trying to make us look bad.... I do have a main suspect but I can't say till we find out who wrote the letter"he still seemed confused "but why did you agree to Junghyun being an Elder in training? what has he got to do with all this? "I chuckled, a smirk playing on my face"Bun, this is what will free the truth caught in the web of lies... The culprit will reveal themselves..but in order to find out the truth, we need to remove the cover spell from the letter so I can sense the person who wrote it. But the spell is found in one of the books of the Min vampire Coven 's library.... Leaving to go to the Coven would bring suspicion so I'll have to teleport a message to Yoongi to bring the book, pretending to be a visitor... "Jungkook scowled at the mention of Yoongi's namand I chuckled"Don't worry bun, I'm yours,even though he wanted us to date back then... "Jungkook growled and I pulled him into a hug "baby... It's your mark on my neck no one else's, I waited centuries for you, no one else,I belong to you, and only you baby... okay? "He nodded, face still in my chest. "I'll send the message to him this evening"Jungkook raised his head to stare at me"why don't you ever use a phone? You have a huge ass flat screen TV but that's it"I smile, then responding "We mythical creatures don't really need human technology but I have the TV for entertainment ".

The Elders had announced Junghyun being appointed Elder in training. The pack and his parents congratulated him on the position, Jungkook mumbling a congratulations since I told him to. I'd sent the message to Yoongi, who was arriving tomorrow.

What plan do you think Elder Kim has up his sleeve? Yoongi will appear in the next chapter and there will be a surprise! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! See you soon! 💜


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