Rookie Professionals (4)

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Morning came in the fortunate world of the 'Nerd and Jock' Universe. The sun just rose from the east, casting a small ray of sunshine from every window in all of the houses in the neighborhood. In one of the windows, (a large one to be precise) lays a forever glitching skeleton on the bed, underneath the soft, fluffy and warm blanket, sleeping peacefully-

*Thump, thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump, thu-thump...*

***This is gospel for the fallen ones

Welp, so much for letting Azure asking him, no, forcing him to sleeping last night...

Also why does he have that as an alarm?! The multiverse will never know.

Era thought as he tries to locate the phone from on top of the dresser using his sluggish hand. He grabbed it and dismissed the alarm. Putting the phone back after he looked at the time. It was 5:30 am. Was he missing something? Why did he set an alarm at 5:30 in the morning?! Not that he mind, he was just curious. As far as he knows the blue-clad skeleton always wakes up at 7am, sharp.

He looked to his left and realizes that Azure is nowhere to be seen, proof that the latter did wake up earlier than usual. Era remembered last night that the other was practically clinging onto him like a koala to prevent Era from escaping Azure's firm but gentle grip, the latter also tried to reasoned with him saying that he quote unquote "Need To Get Some Rest Cause It's a BIG DAY Tomorrow!".

Now that he thinks about it, what day actually? Isn't today just another normal day like yesterday? Or the other day before? Era felt like he's forgetting something...

As if his question instantly got answered, Azure slammed the door of the master bedroom, hard, that it hit the other side of the wall and literally screamed on the top of his lungs causing Era flinch. It was so loud he thought that first, it had woken up their neighbors and second, that the mirror and window was going to shatter. Thank god the wall are thick cause he is not dealing with people early in the day.






Ohhhhhhh, so that's what he forgot...




Wait a minute-?!

"WaiT, Today'S ThE FirsT DaY OF SchooL?!!" Era said, trying not to panic cause he totally didn't forget.

"YEAH!!! And I CANNOT WAIT! So Hurry Up And Eat Breakfast. OH And I Made Waffles, Your Favorite, Chocolate Flavored."

Era's panic attack quickly vanished and was replaced with delight. He was pretty much drooling at the mention of chocolate. So with that he told Blue to wait a couple of minutes to get ready, the latter agreed and got out of the room to give Era some time. Once the door was close he threw the blankets off and went to the closet, grabbed the first line of clothing he saw and made a bee-line for the bathroom.

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