Rookie Professionals (7)

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Era adjusted his dark blue scarf, walking along as he and Azure made their way to the next class, which is Cooking. The mentioned word brought a bigger grin on the other's face, made Era ask himself how the other's cheeks didn't hurt from it stretching a bit wider than normal.

Despite not being tired, he wanted to do something calm this time. That game of dodgeball was apparently enough to indulge him. The same goes for Azure, since he was this close to sprinting to the next class the second he sees the classroom door—

And just like that...Era was right. Azure began to run, dodging all the students who were startled, amused, or both. Rolling his eye lights, he walked normally while trying not to touch anyone he walked with or into.

He wasn't gonna lie, he felt like something eventful is going to happen soon, he didn't know when specifically. Next day, this Saturday, or maybe next week, he didn't know.

At the corner of his sockets Era saw a familiar looking student, he didn't know who it was at first then it clicked. It was the same guy who fought him yesterday, well tried at least, he didn't lay a single finger on Era.

The other was staring at him, no, correction, glaring at him, probably still pissed that he got caught by his parents, that most likely got him grounded, Era assumed. He started it, why would he blame Era when he just helped a fellow student from the other's bullying.

Era didn't need to look back at him in order to find out the other was following his movements, he could feel his gaze almost burning from the back of his skull. Thankfully he finally arrived at the room, a (metaphorical) hole could have been made into this head if he didn't arrive inside.

Great! Now he had to deal with his bull crap. Despite his annoyance, he pushed all of it down for now, he needed some time to think.

Era immediately spotted Azure, who was vibrating on a chair and had occupied a spot with 2 chairs (which Azure is sitting on one) and a counter with a simple stove and oven. There were already ingredients on the counter, seems like they're baking something since he noticed a bowl of flour and eggs, two ingredients out of the fifteen others.

He made his way to the counter and took the chair Azure was offering and sat, letting out a long sigh. He turned just in time to see PJ enter the room, as soon as they locked gazes PJ glared at him once more, which made Era raise his bone brow. The other scoffed and walked to a different counter far away from Era (who internally cheered because of the other's chosen spot) and sat right next to 'Undyne' (of this multiverse), making him simply roll his eye lights.

Azure noticed, sending a questionable gaze to Era who simply answered 'PJ', he nodded, looking back at the front before instantly beaming upon noticing that the teacher arrived, making the glitchy skeleton chuckle quietly.

"Good morning class! I'm Mr. Cloud, your teacher in home economics for this school year..."

Era was half-listening half zoning out, while Azure was 100% paying attention like a kid who was being taught by their parents.

About 15 minutes later, Mr. Cloud(or simply Cloud, as he said before) was done with a simple introduction and small summary about items and equipment, leaving the next 45 minutes for them to make something with the ingredients available on their counter. He said either they follow a simple recipe from the internet or use a recipe they already know how to make, as long as it is edible. Being it is the first meeting this activity will only give them additional points, not much, but a grade nonetheless.

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