Rookie Professionals (5)

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The rest of the day ran pretty smoothly.

After History with Mr. Nightmare, their next class was Music with Mr.Cotton Candy.

In music they just need to pick an instrument of their choice and play it for the class, which Era didn't mind, he's getting used to it already, slowly but surely. And since they are new faces the teacher haven't seen before, they picked the duo to show their skills using their instrument of choice. Azure picked the drums whilst Era picked a violin. Lets just say the room went bipolar when the two played. Azure played an upbeat song that made a few of them smile and tap their feet to the beat whilst to Era played something that made people a bit sad and emotional to how the dark skeleton played. All in all, it was not bad.

During recess they just hang out on the rooftop that they saw when they were exploring the school. They just sat and chatted whilst looking at the nice view of the inside and outside the school where you can see the city. At that time Azure was eating his packed lunch, Era also has one but didn't eat it and said that he wasn't that hungry and instead ate a chocolate bar that he secretly snuck before they got to school.

And lastly Astrology, and was by far Era's favorite, because it discusses stars which includes constellations. So what this 'Dream' taught the class, Era already know everything about it, he still listened though, he never gets bored of the stars, especially the stories behind them.

So all in all, not bad, could be worse, for Era and Azure's first day of school.

Now they're on their way to the school library. Azure wanted to look at some books and maybe borrow a few related to cooking, he's definitely getting better at it, Era could tell.

They made their way to their lockers, which is right beside each other, and placed a few notebooks and books they didn't need for now.

"You Think They'll Have Different Taco Related Recipes?!" Azure said as he closes his locker. "Oh My Stars I Want To Try Them All!"

"We NeeD tO LooK FirsT Don'T Get ExciteD YeT." Era replied then proceeds to tap his own chin. "ThougH I Am IntrigueD AbouT Stars anD ChocolatE RelateD StufF, LikE How Do tHey MakE iT? Is TherE A Way We CaN MakE HomemadE ChocolatE? Is iT TruE ThaT It CamE FroM TreeS? If I PlanT A ChocO BaR To ThE GrounD WilL It GroW A ChocolatE Tree—?"


Dismissing their conversation, they looked at the direction to where the sound came from, only to be enraged by what they saw.

Now there's a lot of things that Era dislikes. Like his enemies, his enemies are mean, selfish, cruel, merciless, and bullies. And what he's seeing right, is included in his list.

They walked forward and to the corner, one of the students, pretty sure they saw him in one of their classes, is being pinned by someone. They took a few steps closer and realized its the student they kept hearing about throughout their day, Paperjam. Oh how the latter's name made it worse.

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