Chapter twelve

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The walk from where the bus drops me off to my house is thankfully short. I drop my bag on my bed and head straight to the bathroom. I turn on the shower and allow the cold water run down my body, welcoming my thoughts with open arms.

It's safe to say what the next step is for my relationship with Liam. This....was honestly expected. At least that's how I saw it. I was simply prolonging the inevitable. This relationship was doomed from the start and neither of us wanted to acknowledge that. Its time for me to let him go. Cause in the end, my loyalty shall not be turned into slavery. He doesn't appreciate what I bring to the table and its time he starts eating alone.

Now on to Diego. This is the very first time he has ever been affectionate with me. Crazy right?. But its the truth. Even in our relationship, affection wasn't very common to the both of us, but neither of us minded.

Dont get me wrong though, I will forever be grateful to him for comforting me. Because being held by the right person is all we need. But I'm not going to expect him to still show concern on a matter he doesn't even know about. Plus, he was just being a friend....right?

Content with overthinking and the amount of water I just wasted, I hop out of the shower. I grab the towel that I neatly hang on the hooker earlier and wrap my body with it. I get out of the bathroom and go to the dressing table. I pat myself dry and grab whatever comfortable clothes I lay my eyes on. Now fully dressed, I reach for me phone that was on the table. Unlocking it, I go straight to contacts, tap on Liam's name and prepare myself for whatever comes out of my mouth once he picks up.

Ring answer. Try again
Ring answer. Try again
Ring answer. Try again

He'll eventually see my missed calls and hopefully calls back. I proceed to read my messages from the notification bar with no intention of answering any of them. One message in particular caught my eye though. It was from Diego.

'Hey. Are you okay', it read.

Okay so maybe I was wrong and he's still concerned about me. But I'm pretty sure he remembered like two or three hours after crying infront of him.
I check the time. Exactly five minutes after I was dropped off was when he sent the text.

I should really stop making assumptions.

I tap on the message and reply back

'Yes I'm okay. Thanks for asking'

I wasn't gonna explain further because I don't see the need to. Plus, its not like he cares to even know why

Almost immediately, my phone vibrates, indicating that there's a new message.

He replied 'Anytime. Why were you crying though?'

Do I ever learn!!?

'I'm just not ready to talk about it yet', I reply truthfully.

I really wasn't ready to talk to anyone about it, not just him. This was a very personal topic for me.

'I understand. But if you need anything at all, I'm here for you'

'Thank you....again'. I finish.

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