Chapter seventeen

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             ONE WEEK LATER...

The sound of birds chirping outside my window annoyingly pulls me out of my sleep. I stretch for my phone that was lying beside my pillow and look at the time. 10:46 a.m. Believe it or not, that was quite early for me.

I put back my phone and pull the bedsheets closer to me, allowing sleep to take over my body once again, which, is never an issue. As if they were being paid, the birds persistently continue to chirp at an even louder volume. "Okay! Okay! I'm up", I say to them, as if they would reply back.

I force myself out of bed and head to the bathroom. I turn on the heater and walk towards the sink to brush my teeth as I wait for the water to get warm. As a girl who loves to play with water, it is expected that I take long showers. My shortest showers are one hour. And since I was in no rush because its summer break, this shower would be longer.

I stride out of the bathroom holding the towel that's covering my naked body. I dry myself off,  apply oil all over my body and head towards my closet. I settle for a top that ends just below my upper torso and sweatpants, put some lip balm because I cant stand chapped lips and finish off with a few squirts of perfume.

Before unlocking my phone, I mentally prepare myself for the messages I'll be bombarded with in nearly all my social media's. Quickly, I scroll through my chats, looking for a specific name to appear on the screen. Diego. No where to be seen. My heart drops slightly at this. I switch off my phone and head downstairs before it kills my mood.

As I sip my lemon tea and stare at the wall, starting to recall my date with Diego just a week ago. Yes, you read right. We went on a date. My very first date but he doesn't know that, and I didn't think it was worth mentioning anyways. I could still feel how nervous I was when I was getting ready for it. I had no clue on what to wear, what to talk about or even what to say when I first saw . I never had the tendency to care about the superficial stuff, but this time, it felt like a whole zoo was planted inside my stomach.

While I was on my way to the movie theater, my mind started thinking of all the possible mistakes I could make the first five minutes of our date. Why?. I didnt even know myself. When my mom managed to pull up at the parking lot, I really had the urge to jump out of the car and run like a maniac because I was already late, lovely. But, I knew better than that. One wrong move on my part and my mom would be suspicious and want to go inside the theater with me. A big no no. This date was planned to the tee.

Needless to say, I had a wonderful time with him. The second I spotted him, I was already comfortable around him. It wasn't awkward at all.

As I watched Spiderman and his soon to be girlfriend confess their love to each other, accompanied with a romantic melody, Deigo calls "Hey". I look away from the screen and focus my attention on him. He snakes his arm on my neck and gently pulls my closer to him. Well....the rest is confidential.

My smile slowly fades as I continue to remember how things between us unfolded the following days. I thought the date would bring us even more closer. That things would work out much better for us since we were already doing great. This date was like a breakthrough in my opinion. Sadly, that wasn't the case. Four days after the date and he slowly started becoming distant. It went from not being able to spend an hour without texting each other, to being able to spend 6 hours without a single text from one other. From calling me sweetheart and beautiful, to barely acknowledging my existence at all. From waking up to goodmorning beautiful, to not getting a goodmorning text at all. It went from him being so open with his emotions and saying how he truly feels, to shutting me out completely. It was like he was slowing starting to wear his mask again. But why?

Went from us having everything and unfortunately, its heading to us having nothing. In reality, I didn't want a fairytale with him. Because I knew they dont exist. I knew these things are messy, but that's what makes it real.

That's what makes it worth fighting for.

But now, I'm starting to question if that's what he wants too. But how can someone change from one day to the next?. And it's not like we had a fight, not even an argument. Yes our conversations have been dry, but does he even know that's a normal thing to happen? Or maybe he does know and he just got tired of me and wanted some new experience? But no way. Diego isn't like that. He would never do that to anyone, much less me. Why would he go through hell with me for this long only to play with my feelings because he wanted a good time? Or maybe he realized after our first date that things are getting serious and he can't handle commitment. But his been by your side through all these years.

Then what the hell is going on with him.

So many questions and none of them make any sense to me. Does he even know how much his distance is starting to hurt me? But one things for sure, how you treat people, especially the ones you claim to love, will eventually come back to you. You reap what you sow.

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