Chapter fourteen

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I doodle on my arm with the pen that was in my right hand. I know this is bad, but I couldn't resist the urge to temporarily tattoo something on my forearm. I find myself engraving the word "strong" on my left wrist. And that's exactly how I felt like.

Eventhough it felt longer, it's been one week after my breakdown in front of Diego and alot of things have changed. For starters, I ended things with Liam. He called the next day, seemingly calmer than our previous call. He was far from being understanding about the situation, let alone accepting of it. See, you can only do so much for a person until you can longer do anythingat all. I understand that relationships aren't perfect, neither is your partner. Them being flawed is what makes them who they are, it's what makes them unique. But you cannot fight for something that your partner isn't willing to put the same amount effort in. It just wont work. For me, this outcome was very much expected. Liam on the other hand, didn't feel the same way. But lucky for me, he mentioned somewhere throughout the call that he wont be coming to school for the whole week, so I dont have to worry about him seeing him at all.

A series of fights, cursing, threats and outbursts followed after I ended the charade of the relationship I was in. It was honestly time to realize that I had to walk away from something that was no longer serving me any good, growing with me, adding on to my happiness and threatening my peace. I wasn't walking away with shame, I was walking away with my head held high, with experience, lessons and dignity.

Cause in the end of the day, we cannot just give up on someone because the situation's not ideal. Great relationships areng great because they have no problems, they are great because both people care enough about the other person to find a way to make it work.

The next morning, I found Diego seated across my seat. I didn't sit next to him because I was unsure if he was waiting for someone else to sit there or he just felt like seating there and didn't want anyone to sit next to him. So I take my seat and pretend to not be affected by his presence. To make the act more believable, I put in my earphones and tried to distract myself.

"Hey. You okay"
"Yea I'm okay". But I'll be better if you held me again. What! No! Shut it.

He reaches his hand out to me with a drink in his hand."Here, it, do you want?". Was this his way of making me feel better?. Awww. Its actually sweet considering the fact that he isn't affectionate at all. Wait, is this considerered an act of affection? But you can't take it. What if it's his only drink. No. Decline it.

"No thank you", I say to him. It's either my eyes were playing tricks on me or I saw a hint of disappointment on his face that lasted for only two seconds before he quickly plasters his nonchalant expression. Think it was my eyes playing tricks on me.

He goes back to tapping his phone and listening to music, not uttering a word.

It took me half an hour to realize that I actually still wanted that drink and whether I should ask for it or not. I reach out to him and tap his arm. "Actually, I change my mind. I want it now, so can I have the drink back", I say with a smile on my face. He smiles back and that somewhat was a food sign that he'll give up the drink without a fight. "Well, you shouldn't have turned down the first offer. Now you only get to have a puff". Shoot. I had a feeling he wouldn't give in so easily. But I really want the drink. "Fine. I'll take it", I tell him

"Just one puff" he tells me.

"Okayyyy I get. I'll only take one" I reply back, proceeding to take three puffs.

"Didn't I tell you to only take one puff?"

"Ops" . He shakes his hand with a smile on his face.

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