Chapter 15

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"What the hell do you have to tell me," Clark asks as I pull him into my room. "Also, your Mom is an awesome cook."

"Okay," I say sitting down and pulling Clark with me. "Something's up with Cali. I think...I think Cali and Sam are together. Like, actually together."

"And how did you come to that conclusion," Clark asks skeptically.

"Nicki and I called Cali, and she was gigglin' and shushin' someone. She told us she was sick and I don't think the conversation lasted more than 5 minutes."

"That's all," he says.

I nod. Clark chuckles and falls back onto my bed. "What're we doin'?"

Clark shrugs next to me. "Let's play a game," he suggests.

"Like what?" I turn to look at him.

"Oh," he smirks. "What about...truth or dare?"

"No way. I'll play that with you when hell freezes over," I exclaim.

He chuckles again and leaves the room.

I follow him to the back porch and sit across from his at the picnic table.

"Now what," I ask. He shrugs. "Alright. Let's play 20 questions. Strictly G."

Clark laughs and turns his attention to me. "Favorite color?"

"Blue," I answer. "You?"


Odd choice.

"Favorite movie?"

"There so many," I gush. "I'll have to say... Tangled. Don't judge."

Clark keeps his poker face but I see the corners of his mouth twitch upwards. "What's your favorite movie?"

"Bumblebee," he says.

"Really? I like that one too!"

"Ope, you've used up 3 questions already," he smirks.

"What?" I exclaim. "No I haven't!"

"You're right," he starts. "You've now used up 4!"

I stick my tongue out at him and he just smirks back. "Alright sweetheart. What's your most embarrassin' moment?"

My face turns red.

I've had plenty of those.

"I don't know," I answer.

He shrugs and motions to me. "Um, what's your favorite food?"

"Probably burgers. Or pie," he says thoughtfully. "What's your biggest accomplishment?"

"I don't know," I lie. "Probably makin' the cheer team."

Clark gives me a skeptical look but continues. "What your most surprisin' attribute?"

"Umm...gee. Well, I've been told by some people that they don't think I could be mean or anything'."

"Really?" He asks amused. "I doubt that."

I roll my eyes and say, "You used up a question of yours." He scowls. "What's your most surprisin' attribute?"

"It's a secret," he says and leans closer. "I can cook."

I roll my eyes. "Sure you can."

"No really! I can," he says.

"Hmm. I might just have to test your cooking skills out sometime," I say.

He smirks and says, "I have other skills we can try out."

Takes me a minute.

"Oh Clark! You're such a perv. I'm done playing with you," I groan.

Clark laughs and says, "I was only kidding!"

"How do I know," I retort.

He smirks again and says, "I can show you if you like."

I narrow my eyes to slits at him and walk inside, locking the door behind me.

I roll over and pick up my phone. "Hello," I say groggily.

"Guess what? Cali yells.


"Sam asked me out!"

Called it.

"Really? That's great!"

"I know," Cali gushes.

"Now," I say. "Why are you calling me? We have school. And how is your cold?"

" it's much better thank you," she stutters. "Well you're not here so I decided to call you. Nicki said she couldn't reach you and Clark isn't here yet."

"What do you mean?" I ask.

"Cara, it's 7:45! Where are you?"

Oh no.

"I'm on my way," I answer, then I hang up.

I run a brush through my hair and grab some sweatpants and my bag. I grab my phone and run out the door.

I jump in my truck and book it.

By the time I'm making my way to the school doors it's 8:55.


I run to my locker and throw my bag in. I grab my books and race it to class.

I'm at the door and about to knock, when my name booms across the halls and out of classrooms.

"Cara Morgan and Clark Thompson please report to the office. Again, Cara Morgan and Clark Thompson please report to the office."

I frown and walk to the office. When I step in Clark rises from his chair and walks towards me.

"What's this about," he whispers.

"My guess is as good as yours," I answer, sitting down in the chairs.

We sit there in an awkward silence until Principal Weight calls us in.

Clark and I sit down in the two chairs in front of his desk.

"Ironically," he begins. "Both of your coaches are gone today. As captains, it's your job to cover when your coaches are gone. We cannot leave both teams unsupervised so we've decided to merge your practices. You will both practice on the football field today. One team in each side. Now, we'll send a teacher out there to watch after school. You may go."

Clark and I nod as we walk out the door. "Walk you back?" he asks.

I shrug as Clark and I walk towards my class.

His brows are furrowed and hands shoved in his pockets. "Geez, don't think so loud," I mumble.

He glances at me and says, "Well, if I do you'll punch me. Or worse."

"Come on," I say. "It can't be that bad."

"It's not," he admits. "You'll just make it into something else."

I roll my eyes and keep walking. "Just tell me."

Clark sighs and moves over a few steps. "Alright. I didn't know cheerleaders practiced."

I stop in my tracks.

"Oh we practice," I say. "We practice two hours, three days a week. We sweat our butts off while all y'all do is throw a football around. Well, we throw 120 pound girls in the air. Did I mention we actually catch ours?"

I stalk off and think, We'll give them hell.
I will releasing a new book soon. Maybe for the Wattys. I'm very much ahead on this book and....idk. Ciao for now!

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