Chapter 26

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I sigh and tug at my top. This is the first game that I won't be cheering at,'s weird.

Marie Jo comes skipping into the room with her own cheer outfit on. "Hi Cara!"

"Hey M.J," I say.

"Do you have a bow I can wear?"

I nod and we walk over to my dresser and pull out an old red cheer bow. She turns around and I wrap the band around her ponytail and secure it with bobby pins.

She turns around and smiles at me and says, "Why aren't you cheering tonight?"

I sigh and pull Marie Jo beside me onto my bed. "The doctor said that I couldn't overexert myself and get hurt this weekend. But I'll be sittin' in the stands cheerin' the football boys on in my own way."

Marie Jo jumps up excitedly and says, "So I can sit by you?"

I nod and Marie Jo runs to grab my pom-poms. She starts doing her own silly cheer and strikes a pose at the end. I laugh and scoop her up in my arms while balancing my weight on my right leg. Marie Jo squeals and wriggles out of my arms.

I fall back onto my bed and Marie Jo climbs up with me. "I think you're the bestest sister in the world," she whispers.

I smile softly and say, "You too Marie Jo."
"Are you sure you've gotten everything?

I nod for the umpteenth time and wrap Mom in a hug. "Clark and I will be fine. And even if we do forget something we'll just run to Target."

Mom nods and pulls back. She turns to grab her luggage before Dad takes it from her.

Matt slings his arm around my shoulder and pulls me to him. "I'm happy for her," he says.

"So am I. She deserves it," I answer.

Matt laughs and we all wave at Mom as she pulls out of the driveway. She honks the horn and rumbles down the road.

We all turn to go back inside. Matt runs off to his room while Marie Jo settles in front of the TV.


I hobble to the kitchen where Dad is leaning against the counter.

And this is it.

His face is calm and serene. "So how's it going with you and Clark?"

"It's goin' fine," I say cautiously.

"When are you going to invite that going man over for dinner?"

I sigh and lean against the counter. "Dad, I get you're worried about me and all, but we'll be fine. Clark and I....we aren't that way. He's one of my closest friends now."

Dad sighs and moves over to me, pulling me to his side. "I'm just worried about my little girl. This is a big change for all of us, we didn't see it coming."

"You can't prolong the inevitable," I recite.

Dad chuckles and plants a kiss on my forehead. He sighs and walks away, humming under his breath.

Knock knock knock.

"Cara! Nicki and Cali are here!" yells Marie Jo.

I hobble to the front door and see my two best friends staring back at me.

"We're here to help you pack," says Cali.

Nicki nods beside her and they walk to my bedroom.


I grab a water bottle from the end table and hobble back to my room.

Cali and Nicki are whispering in the corner but stop when I walk in. I shut the door quietly and give them an odd look.

"So, packing?"

They nod and robotically move to my closet and dresser pulling out clothes.

They give each other another look and finally I can't stand it. "Alright, what is it?"

The sigh and plop down on my floor.

They give me a deadpan look, and Cali says, "Nothing we just wanted to give you the creeps."

They both burst out laughing and I frown. "Y'all are such great friends."

"We know," Nicki laughs.
So ummm....yeah. Y'all, I'm so so sorry I've been MIA. But school started back and it's the third day and I'm already stressing about it and then there's Carona and football season starts next week and then in band we just started marching and our first home game is next enough rambling on my part. Ciao for now!

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