Try Me, I Dare You

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A/N: I'm not sure if many people actually ship this, but I think it's cute. And yes, the part about the different friendship levels is based off a meme I saw a long time ago. Enjoy :)

Word Count: 816 (Not including the Author's Note)

Bakugo sighed for the trillionth time that day, as he walked towards a cafe where he planned to meet Camie Utsushimi. It'd been four years since he'd graduated from UA, and five years since she'd graduated from Shiketsu. When he'd first met her at the Provisional License make-up classes, he'd found her to be just as annoying as everyone else. He did, however, find her power to be rather useful and cool. Especially after "Glamoroki". Over time, though, he found himself warming up to her.

Believe it or not, he liked how she actually spoke her mind around him. While it may have irritated him when she told him rebels were out of style, he found peace knowing she wasn't afraid of him like everyone else seemed to always be. After the classes ended and they earned their licenses, Utsushimi had asked for his number so they could hang outside school. He may have acted like he was unhappy about giving it to her, but on the inside he felt a tiny spark of joy.

After a few months of hanging out with her, he began opening up and calmer around her. He didn't know why, but he felt his gut twist every time he saw her, yet he didn't mind the feeling. Just like he didn't mind her. He confided in Kirishima about his feelings and red haired boy eagly told him it was love. Bakugo didn't believe it. He just couldn't. There was no way the great Bakugo Katsuki was in love. Right?

Each time he saw her, he got more and more giddy, but he never let it show. Shiketsu didn't allow dating when it came to their students, and Bakugo didn't have time for a relationship. Not if he was going to be the number one hero some day. Now Bakugo had finally opened his own agency and made his way up to second place on the hero charts. While he wasn't happy about being stuck in second place, he learned to (somewhat) accept it.

He'd never admit it, but Japan was better off with Midoriya as the top hero. Midoriya was able to keep his temper in check and send everyone a sweet smile. Just like All Might. So Bakugo accepted his ranking and chose to move with his life as much as possible. And the way to do that, he decided, all started with Camie Utsushimi. He was going to confess to her, and ask her on an official date. His friends had pushed him to do it, saying that it would be good for him. He reluctantly agreed.

His pride was on the line. If she didn't accept, well, he wasn't sure what he'd do. But he'd worry about that if and when it happened. He shook his thoughts from his head as looked up to see the said cafe growing nearer and nearer by the second. As he finally entered the shop, he saw a familiar blonde haired girl sitting at one of the booths. "What took you so long?", she asked, "I've been waiting for like forever now." She was a bit dramatic at times, but that was just another one of her qualities that drew Bakugo in.

"Sorry, I guess I lost track of time," he said as sat across from her. Utsushima froze and put the drink she was holding on the table. Bakugo rarely apologized, or acted this calm in general. She assumed something was up.

"So, like, what's poppin'," she asked with a hint of concern.

"There's.. something I wanna tell you Utsushimia."

"I told you, you can totally call me Camie, it's all chill," she stated in her typical breezy tone.

Bakugo looked her in the eyes, "Ok, then I guess you can call me Katsuki."

"That's totes lit!"

"Anyways..." Katsuki trailed off, not sure how to continue. "Do you wanna hang out some time?" he awkwardly asked.

"Aren't we already hanging out?" She asked, confused as to why he was acting this way.

"Yeah, but I meant as more than friends.."

"As in best friends?" She asked teasing him. She knew what he meant, but wanted to hear him say it.

"More," he replied getting frustrated.

"Mega- awesome super best friends?" She continued.

"More," he urged unable to contain his temper for much longer.

Unfortunately for him, Camie wasn't quite done, "Super awesome sworn friends?"

"Will you go out with me as my freaking girlfriend or not?!" He tried keeping his volume as low as possible, as he didn't want to make a scene and end up in the news the next day.

"Finally, I for sure thought you'd never ask. You soooo took your time Katsuki."

"So, is that a yes?" he asked, noticing his heart rate had drastically increased.

"I dunno, I'm not sure you can handle me," she teased.

A smirk grew on his face as he retorted with, "Oh yeah? Try me, I dare you."

Try Me, I Dare You - A BakuCamie OneShotWhere stories live. Discover now