The date

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Chapter three

Felicity's POV
Well I was surely happy that he did but then a wave of stress washed apon me. I wondered what am I going to wear and how to ill I get ready and stuff
Like that then I asked one of my good friends Barry Allen he is really smart and is a great friend. I picked up my phone to call him once he picked up he said hello then I started to talk.

Barry's POV
I picked up my phone and looked at the caller id it was felicity of my daring love for her is irrational. I picked it up and said"hello" she replied back with a simple hi her voice was so soothing and beautiful. Then she asked for some help "sure" I said with no doubt she told me to come over and i said I will be there in and hour.

Felicity's POV
I asked Barry to come over and help me out and he said that he will be here in an hour so that's when I thought it would be a great idea for me to pick out my favourite dresses on and take a nice shower so I look and smell great. I got in the shower and started with a rinse.

Barry's POV
Immediately after I dropped the phone I started to get ready to got to Felicity's I think that this might be my day to ask her out on a date and that she might say yes I wonder what she needed help with maybe it's some cool tech things. It's been a while since I've seen her because I got shot by lightning. But I am all better now but there is somthing wrong with me but I don't know what and it gets to my head a lot but I think I just need to take medication like Advil. Once I was ready I went straight into a taxi to take me to a train stations and before I knew it I was riding on the train to starling city. When I got to her apartment I knocked and she opens it up in a sudden.

Felicity's POV
Once I got out I went to put my undergarments I kept the towel on because I don't want Barry to see me half nude. Once I heard a knock on the door I literally ran to the door it was 7:00PM I have an hour left till I have to see him. I opened to see a friendly smile it was Barry I was glad that he made I invited him in. Then he asked me why I was wearing a robe I asked him I need help in dressing up. He seemed a bit scholars to the fact that I said that then I asked him what was wrong. He asked if I was going to a date and I had to say "yes". His smile faded off I asked what's wrong he said "nothing". I was wondering cause he was really upset but I had to get out of it because 10 past 7 so I got to get a move on. I picked my three favourite dresses and asked him which one he like because he is a guy so most guys know what guys like. Barry chose a cute red dress with no strap and a heart shape it looked really cute on me so I thought it looked great.

Barry's POV

Once she told me its for a date I was a bit upset cause I knew I was too late to ask her out so I thought that I had to get over her and like someone else other then her. Each time I try I can't get over the warmth of her body and the feeling of her touch. Even if I tried to I can't get over her I have to find someone to take her place because I can't live with a crush on a cute smart babe. (Wait snap out of it). After I picked a cute red dress that looked well on her she sprinted to the bathroom and got changed when she came out she looked even prettier. She asked me how she looked I just started into the moon when I saw her. I told her she looked prettier then the universe its self she chuckled and went to the bathroom to get her make up and hair done.

Felicity's POV

After he told me is choice I went straight to the bathroom and put the dress on and I looked hot in it and I did not even do my make up and hair. I walked out and asked him how I looked and then he never responded it was like he was staring into space. Then he finally responded "you look prettier then the universe its self". It was cute what he said cause it's seems like he was a child with a big dream crush so I chuckled. I went to the bathroom to do my hair I put the curling iron in the plug and waited for it to heat up. While I was waiting I put on my make up which is just plain not to much make up. I put on foundation, blush, eye shadow, eye liner, mascara and a red lipstick. My curling iron was a good heat to curl my hair. As I finished up the last couple strands of hair I heard Barry say something. I shed him what he said and he asked who I'm going with and I responded "Oliver" and went back to my own thing.

Barry's POV

When she was sound her make up and hair I had a daring question in me that I had to ask. I asked who she was going with and she responded "Oliver" I was choked but I knew that this day will come. The day to fight my friend for the girl I love but I think I should wait Incase something happened and they lost there teams of each other to get her.

Felicity's POV

When I finished doing my hair and make up I asked how I look again because I could've done something wrong. He said I looked beautiful I grabbed a purse that will good with my dress and m and Barry walked out my apartment. We went to the foyer waiting for Oliver cause it was 8:15 and he will be here at 8:30. Barry looked at his watch and said he had to go back cause no one knows that he was here in starling. I gave him a hug and thanked him and he was on his way.

Barry's POV

I looked at my etch and it was time that I had to go back because my parents don't know that I left. I gave her a hug and I was on my way to the train station.

Felicity's POV

A couple minutes Barry left Oliver was already here I got in his car and we drove off to a placeI didn't know.

Oliver's POV

I saw felicity and she looked so beautiful I could melt a way she got in the car and got buckled up I greeted her and complimented her then we were on our way.

Once we got to a restaurant I gave them my order "table for two queen" the waiter said "ah right this way mr queen" when we got to our seat they offered a picking of wine and I told them to surprise me once they came back with a well tasting wine we had our orders ready. When they came back with our food me and felicity have been talking about so many things while eating and drinking. We had so much fun then I took her home. I stopped my car once we got there and she said thanks and I was really good time but right before she left...

We kissed it was amazing to me and it was a lovely passionate kiss 😘.

Aww how cute they went on a date and kissed at the end but what they don't know is that there is a jealous someone read on comment follow vote and read my friends books TMI_forever101 she thanks and stayed tuned

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