Chapter 10

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warning: mature content

Harry was sat on the brick ledge of the science building when Louis got out of his 10 am Geology class. He thought it was pretty unusual because they rarely saw each other on Mondays or Wednesdays. But Harry was perched there, eyes scanning, long legs spread out in tight dark wash blue jeans and an oversized black hoodie.

The second Harry locked eyes with Louis, a big grin split his face and Harry full on sprinted straight into Louis, almost knocking him down.

"Lou! Louis, Lou. I got..." Harry panted, hands on his knees, and wheezed.

"Are you okay? Do you have asthma?" Louis asked, worry making him press a firm hand to Harry's heaving back.

"Yeah – yeah. It acts up when it starts getting cold, but I'm okay. Promise. Anyway," Harry rambled, straightening up.

"Are you sure?"

"Yes. Lou, I got a sponsor!" Harry said, visibly so excited it was like electricity was vibrating off his skin. He moved to wrap his long arms around Louis' torso, hugging him tightly against him.

It should be said that Louis had no idea what Harry was talking about. He didn't know what Harry needed a sponsor for, what any of this was pertaining to. But he did know that Harry was clearly excited, like absolutely over the moon. So, despite being lost, Louis wrapped his arms tightly around Harry's neck and squeezed him just as tight as Harry was. "Wow, that's so amazing, Haz."

"I know, I can't believe it. A sponsor!! I mean the other segments; they get ads all the time. But since I'm working the evening shift, I rarely get anything to read. But I always send emails out, just in case, and my listenership has been up." Harry rambled, and honestly, Louis thanked god for the Harry's ability to ramble. Now he understood what he was congratulating Harry for.

"Who is it?"

"Mr. Cox's grocery shop, the Vee Shop. He's so nice, Lou. Answered my email with just a phone number, and it was honestly kind of ominous. But I called anyway because I finally got a reply. And we talked on the phone about the ad slot and he agreed to buy it!"

"Well, you do have a near perfect voice. Of course, anyone would want you to read their ad." Louis responded, not missing the fact that they still sort of held their earlier embrace. They both still had one arm around each other. Louis cleared his throat. "Hey, uh. Are you free right now?"

"Yeah, I don't have a class 'til 3. I'm not usually on campus right now, but I got this news, and I just had to tell you. Wanted to tell you in person."

Louis' heart skipped a beat. Fuck.

"Let me treat you to lunch, I'm free til my shift at Rough Patch. Let's go to that ramen place you like."

"Oh, you don't have to pay or anything – but I'd love to grab some lunch with you."

"Nonsense, it's to say congratulations. C'mon, let's go." Louis said, walking with Harry to the ramen shop on campus. Harry ordered chicken and Louis got pork, they sat with their faces hovering over the steaming bowls. It was starting to get even colder in Kentwood and Louis cursed the fact that he forgot to put on a jacket this morning. Harry saw Louis shiver when they left the store so Harry could walk Louis to Rough Patch.

"Do you want my hoodie?" Harry asked, as he was already taking it off.

"No, I'm alright, thanks though." Louis said, rubbing the goosebumps from his arms.

"Here," Harry said, pulling the black hoodie off his shoulders and holding it out to Louis. He could still feel the heat from Harry's body radiating off it.

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