[21] You know who you are.

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"Par--" he heard a yell from Krishnaa, he turned five men stood there and they had Krishnaa captivated.

"Krishnaa!" He felt something hit his head and he fell back.

"Parth!" She shouted, "Parth!!" He tried to get up but he couldn't.

Parth's eyes closed and for the first time he saw it... It was Krishnaa who was in his dreams... It was her cries. It was her crying face. It was KRISHNAA.

She cried, they dragged her, one of them opened her hairs.

"Leave me!" She protested.

"Leave me!" Draupadi protested, "Leave me dusht Dusshasan!!"

Dusshasan pushed her on the floor and got hold of her hairs, he dragged her. She protested, she cried. No one amaong the great warriors say a word against this humiliation. Her eyes were filled with tears, she cried, she yelled!

"Aryaputra Arjun!" Her cries rang in his ears. "Aryaputra Arjun, to protect me always is you vow!"

Arjun closed his eyes and let the tears flow, what can the best Archer ever born do now? He's a slave of these devils! A SLAVE!

"I made my all life a penance so that any four of you didn't have to go in exile! I divided my love just for you five and you bet on me?!"  She cried.

"Panchali..." Arjun to say but her crying face forestalled him.

"Did Aryaputra Yudhisthira asked your permission before betting on me?" She asked, sobbing, "Or it was agreed by all of you that I can be bet on!"

She cried.

"Disrobe her!" Said the mindless creature.

"Parth!!" His eyes opened a little. She was being taken away, the same way she was being dragged in the Dyut Sabha thousands of years ago.

"Draupadi!" Parth cried and stumbled to his feet. No, this time he won't let it happen!

He got up and seeing him get up, three of the goons, hit him.

"Not this time!" Parth whined. Parth's head was bleeding and he couldn't do much but he tried, he tried but one of the men again hit on his head with a log.

"Leave me!" Krishnaa protested seeing the men hit Parth, she used her brain and cut the man's arm, he immediately left her and saw his hand where she had cut. The whole scenario worked the same way on Krishnaa as it worked on Parth.

Krishnaa now knew who is the guy in her nightmares... What it was all about. Now she knew why Parth felt familiar.

"Aryaputra Arjun?" She mumbled.

"The way this sabha is submerged in darkness... So will be your life King Dhridrahta!" Arjun yelled, "All the men who were here, who were silent will pay for their silence! There will be a war... The mother of all wars! Genocide! Mahabharat!"

"Please Panchaali, give me one chance to Avenge you!" Arjun cried.

"How will you? You're slave of these morons!" Draupadi yelled.

They again held Krishnaa, she was in oblivion and so was Parth, their eyes met. Arjun and Draupadi... Parth and Krishnaa. Maybe now was the picture clear.


"Draupadi!" Parth yelled again and tried to get up.

"IN YOUR LIMITS DUROYODHAN!" Arjun yelled but he couldn't do anything else... Right now he is nothing but a  SLAVE.

"Nahi Aryaputra Arjun, aap mere rakhsan ab nhi kar sakte... Mera rakhshan.. agr hona hoga.. toh vo khud ishwar karenge." She said, crying.

Dusshasan held the edge of Draupadi's chunni....

"Oh come on, beautiful! Look at yourself, you are for us. For us to have. Leave your lover to die... And be mine!" Said one of the man.

"Shut the hell up!" She shouted and looked at Parth, who was being hit two men, on and on.


She cried, she closed her eyes... Krishna was there to save Draupadi... Who is for Krishnaa?

That's when they saw a car come with the full speed.

The man left Krishnaa and focused on the car.

Madhav came out of the car and without any word, first of all he punched the two men who were hitting Parth.

"That's my brother you two were hitting, fuckers!" He hit the men in anger and before the  other could do anything else or run, the police came on time.

They captivated the six men and help Madhav and Krishnaa to take Parth to hospital.


"Ma'am, we'll see, he will be okay." Said the doctor and took Parth in the emergency.

"He will be okay.." Madhav said to Krishnaa, who was in pool of tears.

"How did you know where we were?"

"Parth always keeps his gps tracker on, I tracked him after he didn't pick my fifteen calls."

"Oh, thank god you came...or I don't know what would have happened." She sobbed.

"And... Madhav... I saw.. somethings...I mean.."

"Finally." Madhav smiled a little.

"Finally what?"

"Finally... You know who you are, don't you Krishnaa?"

She seemed to think about it.

"Now I know why he felt familiar... It's Parth...." She said, obliviously.

"Is it what my life was? To lose everything? To lose my sons? To lose everything.... I never wanted a war, Govind! I wanted a life. A life I could only dream of! Govind... Was I only thirsty of this war? This blood? This genocide! No Govind! No!" She cried.

"You and your husbands were the medium to foster dharma! You can't be broken like this, Sakhi!"

"Yeah, I am happy about that but... Govind...was... it all? I and my husband kept sacrificing without thinking about the results or what we get from it... Now I ask....was this devastated life is all I am gonna get. This penance?"

"A penance is never fruitless and you will get the result of your Karma... If not in this life, then in other." Krishna smiled.

"Work of Karma,  Sakhi." Madhav smiled.

Krishnaa looked obliviously at him.

Parth's Krishnaa.
Arjun's Draupadi.
It was what they got to know now.


Now I want biggie biggie comments telling me what you all want next😎😎

Please tell if you all liked this chapter?

Arjun and Draupadi dialogue were from StarPlus MB.

Except the last conversation of Krishna and Draupadi 😌it's mine.

And I can't believe I have written 21 chapters and all are of 1000+ words. Some are even 2000😎😎😎

Thank you for 12.2k reads and 1000+ votes💞💞💞❤️❤️😭😭😭Thank you so much💃it's my first hit book, I think😌😌😌



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