[15] Why with me?

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"I love you, Krishnaa, I love you," Parth chanted after and after, while pacing back and forth in his room.

"Parth?" Krishnaa said as she walked in his room, he turned.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Umm. Krishnaa... You know.."


"Mom asked me to get married." He said, mentally slapping himself for starting with this.

"Wow, that's great. Who's the girl?" She asked and Parth sighed, Seriously?

"Krishnaa...it's.. I didn't find a girl yet but I have to before mom." He said.

"Oh ho, you want me to be your matrimonial girl, get a girl for you?" She giggled.

Parth -

"Why you are being annoyed?"

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"Why you are being annoyed?"

"Because I'm trying to talking seriously and you are kidding," he pouts at this.

"Aww,  Parth angry? Okay, I won't smile now!" She pursed her lips together to her hide smile.

"So.. Krishnaa.. see.." he was being Hella nervous, he was sweating in cold.

"Parth, why are you so distressed?" She asked, taking a step ahead and kept her hand on his shoulder.

"Krishnaa, see.. you know from the first time I've seen you, I felt a connection to you and if I say honestly, I've never felt that before. You are witty, you are wise, you are understanding, you are sweet, you are cute, you are funny, you are serious, in my eyes you are perfect!"

"Parth?" She was blushing heavily, "Why are you praising me so much?"

"Because you are!" He said.

"Get to the point." She said, hiding the redness of her cheeks.

"Krishnaa the thing is.. that...I don't know if you feel the same way but I've noticed it.. or may be I'm wrong, I wanna just confess that.. okay if this hurts you or you don't feel the same, just forget that I ever said something like this.. Okay..?"

"Are you gonna say now?"

"Krishnaa, Sorry, bye." Parth said'

"what bye? You said you wanna say something."


Then they heard Madhuri's call from the hall, "Krishnaa, Parth, come here!"

"Let's listen to your mother," she smiled and walked out, he followed.


"Yeah, mom, what happened?" Asked Parth.

He looked at his mom, she was looking happy and Urvashi was beside her, smiling.

"Parth, I found a girl you before you did," Madhuri smiled.

"Mom..." Parth started but was forestalled by his mother,"Wait, let me finish, I found a girl for you and I think she is good for you, and you said that if I found a girl for you before you, you will not have any objections."

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