Annoying Squids and Cute Ducks

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Stampy's POV

I laughed at Sqaishey's comment. She was an amazing YouTuber and really funny. I wanted to message her back, but there was so much I wanted to say. However, as I was typing a dm on Twitter, Squid walked in and demanded to know what i was laughing about.

"Just a comment." I replied.

"Who's comment?" He was so demanding sometimes.

"Just a Youtuber. She plays Minecraft."

"Oh." Was it just me, or did Squid sound disappointed? "i thought it was the girl who made you a game."

"Well actually, I am messaging her."

"Really?!" I could hear Squid's disbelief.

"Yeah. How's Nicole?" I changed the subject, annoyed. Squid started a huge speech on how lucky he was to have such a great girlfriend. Eventually, he left for work and i could finally message Sqaishey.

I didn't know what to write. I was sat staring at the screen for at least ten minutes. I finally decided just to ask her if she wanted to play Minecraft. I plucked up the courage, and messaged her before I could change my mind.

'Hey Sqaishey Quack! Would you like to play some Minecraft with me? We could play on Xbox if you want?'

I hesitated, the arrow hovering over the send button. I clicked it quickly. What have i done? I was filled with a moment of regret. I left to make a cup of tea. There was no use thinking about it. Besides, Sqaishey seemed like a really nice girl, the ideal girl i would love to be friends with. I walked back to my room, tea in hand. I took a sip as i sat down. There was a message on Twitter.

'Hey Kitty! I would love to! Could we go to your Lovely World, pretty please? 🐥'

I laughed. Kitty. That was cute. I quickly messaged back...

'Of course we can, Ducky! Is three good?'

'Yeah, that's perfect!'

'Great! I'll see you then! I'll send a request.'

'Ok. I will accept your request! See you then, Kitty.'

'Byeeeee Ducky!'

So then i logged into Xbox Live and sent a friend request. I then left to make a sandwich, the tea cold on my desk.


Sorry for a short chapter... I will write a longer one! See you! Xxx

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