Lovely World

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Stampy's POV

I cant believe that Sqaishey wants to meet up with me! This would be the best two weeks of my life! She is so kind, fun and pretty! She is absolutely perfect. Squid walked into the room.

"Hey Stamps!" He said entusiastically.

"Hey Squid!" I said, equally enthusiastic.

"So, is your friend coming over?" He put particular emphasis on the word 'friend' but I just ignored it.

"Yeah, she is!"

"Cool!" He said. He was looking at me.

"What's up?" I asked. He shook his head, walking into his room, ready to record. I shrugged my shoulders.

I had to go shopping. Squid would leave to go to Italy in six days and Sqaishey would be here the day after. We had no food at all... I decided to go to the supermarket and buy some frozen food, that way we had something to eat. Then I had to tidy the guest room. This was going to be a long week.

About four hours of shopping a cleaning later, I was just about to record a video, when my phone beeped. It was Sqaishey.

"Hey Kitty Cake! Wanna record? I'm getting the train on Monday at 10:30! Can't wait!" I could see her happy face even though it was a text.

"Yeah! I was just about to record a Lovely World video. Do you want to join? I can't wait either!" I replied adding a smiley face.

"Yesssssssssssssssss! Pretty please, Stampy!" I laughed and invited her into the party. She was there ten seconds later.

"Hi Sqaishey!" I said enthusiastically.

"Hi Stampy Cat!" She replied.

"Hi Sqaishey" Lee said in his Scottish accent. I explained the building and shown them a quick design before turning their voices off for the video.

"Hello, this is Stampy! And welcome to a Minecraft Lets Play Video! Today I am going to be joined by two special Minecraft helpers: Lee! And Sqaishey Quack. Hello Sqaishey" i waved in her face, accidentally punching her. "Oops, sorry, Sqaishey... Anyway! Hello Lee! What am I going to have for my breakfast? Cake! Yayyy! Nomnomnomnomnom! Mmmm! A WHOLE cake! Yum yum yum! Let's head over to the Love Garden then..." The video cartied on for twenty minutes before I signed off. "Sadly, thats the end of the video. Thanks for watching and I will see you all later, byeeeeeeeeeeeee!"

I said goodbye to Lee as he had to go somewhere. Then it was just Sqaishey and I.

"That was great, Stamps!"

"It was brilliant, Sqaishey!"

We talked and played in the Funland for a couple of hours. It was so much fun. Sqaishey was amazing! We played Take The Tooth, Doggy Hockey, Fish Me A Dish, The Boat Race and finally The Dunking Booth. This brought back memories of when the Little Ducky was in my world for the first time...


N/A - sorry its short... Ive had exams for the past two weeks and i was thinking of starting a couple of new stories! Anyway, thanks for reading! And i will see you guys later.

Love Tessie

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