advise(-orry), suggestions

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for the people who are suffering from depression/anxiety. you can do it. just never give up. ever.

things might get a little hard (or it already is, and is super hard) but just hold onto yourself. don't let others bring you down. i know it's fruckin hard but i also know that you can do it. you already came this far, why give up now?

things might not go in your way but that's just how life works. i'll say that you just have to deal with it and just go with the flow but that's what everyone says so i'm gonna be changing mine (you can deal with it too if you want.)

i suggest you open up. yeah? there must be atleast this one person in your life that you trust the most. open up to that person. but if you can't or you don't have any. i think you should write your emotions down on a paper/journal/cellphone or basically whatever. just write it down. you can also turn it into a piece of art/masterpiece. write a story (can be about your imaginations, feelings, personal experience, etc.), draw your emotions, sing/turn it into a song, write poems, turn it into a garden (as in garden with flowers/plants, you know?), maybe express it through food (like baking, cooking, etc.), and so on.

also, once you write your emotions down. look at it. read the words you wrote. see if it's true or not. (i learned this from a video i watched, i forgot the title tho. i'll put it later and you can go watch it (if you want))

in my opinion, if you think what you wrote is true. do something with it. not something bad though. do something good about it. if you don't like your body, why not workout? or exercise? do diet plans, maybe? (not the deadly ones though, just proper meals and proper...meals.)

if you don't like yourself. like, the way you act, the way you speak, the way you laugh, or maybe even the way you walk. then don't push yourself too hard about the words you think you are. on the video i watched, he said that our minds produce ANTs (Automatic Negative Thoughts) and our brains lie to us as well. well, most of the time especially when you're anxious about everything.

so if your brain tells you that you're 'ugly' or whatsoever. it's not true. look at yourself in the mirror. smile. see? that's the prettiest smile and face i've ever seen. haha.

in my opinion (again), no one is born ugly. like no one. everyone is just born different. and i think that's unique. everyone's special in their own ways, everyone has a role in this world. e.v.e.r.y.o.n.e. if you think you don't deserve to live in this world since you don't have any purpose. then you're wrong. you don't even know on how many people loves to see that smile of yours. you don't even know how many people misses your presence when your like...absent at some event. you don't know if there's a someone who's only living because of you. so don't think negative.

though i do have thoughts about the bad people in our society. i think they're just heartless people who thinks what they're doing is right. you know? the people who kill just for fun or something. i have never met one tho, but there are like 7.8 billion people in the world. so there's a chance. plus, i heard 'true stories' too. so yeah. but who knows? some people like them (it's really bad but...what can i do? i'm just a lonely potato sitting on a couch) tho i also think that everyone should have a piece of people-with-so-much-empathy's minds.

anyways, but if you think the stuff you wrote are wrong. then move on with your life. haha. i don't know what to say anymore. just keep on swimming, you know?

just do the things you love, people will judge you. they will. no matter what you do. did you know that complimenting others also means judging? like i'll say: "oh, you look really pretty!" didn't i judge you there? but i judged you in a good way tho haha.

every compliment and offensive statements are judge stuff. so might as well do what you want while you're at it.

dance, sing, write, draw, study, read (just don't do illegal/bad stuff). some will say, 'you're not good' others will praise you. but just keep on doing what you love. if they say that you're not good enough, would you give up? no, right? you shouldn't. if it's your passion then work harder. it will be hard of course. nothing's easy. nothing. so work hard for it if you want to achieve what you want. and i promise. everything will go right.

if you don't know what you want to do. i suggest you try new things. maybe travel? or you don't know. maybe your profession is talking to someone like a psychiatrist! haha that's kind of random but okay!

never be afraid to do the things you love and keep doing it. i'll be writing more soon, but always remember to stay healthy and bring out positive vibes!

heh, that was kinda weird to write but okay.

also, some people are experiencing what you're experiencing right now so you're never alone. like, never. and if you're bored. find some hobbies you can do! like simple and little things. maybe fixing your room? your house? or maybe creating a garden outside your house? watch them grow, maybe.

that's all. haha. i kinda lost my track again but that's just how i am. i get lost in the middle of what my topic was supposed to be and then it turns into a weird one, but still kinda connects but only a bit though.

•°☆ —clixheee🖤

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