past (part-2)

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Chapter 21

"Ch-ea-ter" i can't believe at my own ears that what i was hearing is what he said.

"Yes,  yesterday when i was going to your office to give you the documents you asked for" he said looking at me for confirmation. So i nodded my head implying i do remember that i called him to bring some documents which I forgot to bring with me.

"I got stuck in the traffic,to pass the time i looked outside observing the surrounding, that's when i spotted  her with a guy standing outside a flower shop right infront me so-" he started sobbing.

"Nk you can't accuse your lover just because she was standing with a guy, that person could be anyone, her brother." I just spit out what i was thinking.

"She doesn't have a brother and she never mentioned having any cousin brother and so i was sure that person was not anyone of them" then he threw a little tentrum and continued

"anyways that's not the main point. i was thinking that he was her friend or something until he hugged her, i expected her to move away but she didn't even reacted." He said balling his hand into a fist.

"Then what did you do" i asked getting a little curious, we don't have  that of a good relationship so i know my brother could be a little handfull when he is angry though in a childish way.

"I was about to go and break his head but i didn't want to make a scene specially infront of khusi, i didn't want her to cancel the wedding for any stupid reason. So after that i just made my way to the office to clear my head a bit" he murmured the last sentence.

"Then why didn't you tell me anything that time,i  could have done something to clear the confusion. Now you were taking such a big step without knowing anything properly." I asked him.

I crused myself in my head too because remembering how i didn't even ask him anything when i saw how down he was looking thinking that it might be because of the wedding pressure.

"Why do you always think that i can't do anything on my own and don't assume that i am taking such step without Knowing anything, when i went home from your office i called her to ask where she was or what is she doing. She told me she was home all day." I was struck dumb what why she lied so nk does have a point.

"Ohh and i forget to tell you that i even click their picture when she started stroking his hair while hugging each other"he take out his phone, the photo has khusi's face so it was indeed her. Her hands were stroking the boy's hair whose  back was in the frame while hugging each other.

" I even went to her home that evening, she didn't even mentioned anthing for once and lied on my face about her day. When she went to the kitchen to get me a cup of tea, i checked her phone and she had this person name saved as" mr. puupy"  who messaged her to come and meet him  this morning at her favourite flower shop and even send a photo of a property renewd document ."he explained with disgust in voice, clenching his fist till the knuckles turned white.

"Bhai (brother)! Please let me Just go away i don't want to face di and Naniji after what happened. I don't want them looking at me with sympathy in their eyes. So do me a favour don't tell what's happened just put all the blame in me, i don't want them to look down on khusi either . I will come back soon and explain everything to them. Please handel them for me"

I was speechless after knowing i couldn't even stop him because no matter what i can't  truly put myself in his place so i don't have any right to stop from doing what he thought was the best. I was thinking what my mother must have gone through which even made her kill herself when that disgusting person cheated on my mother and left her to marry that other woman.

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