kidnapped (dark reveal part-2)

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Unknown person pov

I get inside shantivan (after hiding in the garage roof for hours) as soon as i got the chance, Arnav Singh Raizada seems to be going some where. Tsk! how unfortunate of him, getting brothered at this odd hour of night just to go to jail the next day although he deserves every bit of it.

I made my way to his room from the other gate of the house in search of the ticket to my throne.After searching every nook and corner of the room i still  found nothing. Humph he is so scared of his wild cat  getting her hands on those, but only if he knew today i am going to tame her forever.

Finallly! finally i found it, i knew he would hide it inside this dead plant pot.

Now you will know ASR, how it feels to get blamed for someone's else fault. Seeing hatered in everyone's eyes and living with it everyday.

Khusi person pov

I could clearly hear the croaky voice of them talking outside. The lights were off again except the lamp. Though my legs, my body gave up a long time ago moreover blood dropping on my clothes out of  my head was not much of a help but i know either i wait for them to set me free which is impossible or i could fight for my own life because waiting is not even an option.

I should find something to cut off this rope but in this room i can't even see properly let alone finding something useful.

I could loose the rope but i tried it already, should i give it a try again with much more strength.

"I cannn do it just one more tim-" "ahhh!"
I started wheezing evey time i try so there is no way the rope will loose itself miraculousy.

If i can't loose it, i better find something sharp enough to cut it but how and what could i even find here.

I can't break the lamp light nor i could search around the room. Ehh why  they show on those  crime serials the victims escaping the crime scene so easily, useless!

Oii! Khusi focus, you are going to die and your wasting your time thinking all these crappy things. Hey Devi maiya help me finding a way. As soon i closed my eyes to pray, i got an idea. Thank thank you devi maiya!

If the room can't offer me any help, i could do this favour to myself only if i can break my bangles somehow.

1..2..3.. " opps!" I was able to broke the bangle since my hands are tied around the wooden chair, i used the back of it to break the bangles but the broken pieces slipped out of my hands.

This is the last try otherwise the breaking sound of bangles will be heared by them. Taking a few deep breath i lift up my arm a bit and on the count of three i put all my strength and broke the rest of bangles and the with the help of the gaps between the backside of the chair, i got few big pieces stucked in it.

After getting my grip on the biggest piece of the bangel i used all my force in cutting the rope in half, one rope done but the other was tied a little lower hence i was struggling to move my hands there. As my hands got a little closer to it ........

thud! the door suddenly opens, thank god i have my hands tied around the backside so it won't be easy to see what i was doing. I continue doing what i planned to in a slower pace..

The first person who came inside was Taniya as i can now recognise her even in this dark surrounding. I expected two persons but to my surprise this time there was three.

Who could it be? A killer? Their partner in crime? Unknown person or again someone whom i trusted?

The face remain hidden under the darkness, this time no one turned on the light.

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