heart break or pride break

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Chapter -34
Khusi pov

The huge drama ended up bringing me and Lavanya in Arnavji's office. The dilated pupils through his half lidded eyes staring inbetween us but felt a bit different whenever it turns to me. Obviously he would prefer her over me.

Lavanya looked at me grinning from ear to ear knowing the case is already in her side. To minimise her sea of joy I just kicked her leg under the table which cause her to jump off her seat.

"Ouch!you-" she screamed in pain and turn her face to him" ASR why don't you say something to her. She is so ill mannered" she began to whine.

"Are we school kids? Don't this office has any decorum to maintain?" His eyes of dismay looking at no one in particular.

" It's her fau-"Lavanya's squeaky voice got cut off by the man.

"hold your horses for a few minutes, will you?"he asked her abruptly.

Her face turns tomato red with her eyes bemusedly glancing at me before settling down in her chair. Then his eyes came back to my face, pacing from my eyes to my lips giving me a chance to speak for myself. Thus the person sitting next to me started breathing loudly to control her anger.

"I don't think that spreading rumours about an employee or speaking so low about anyone is a sign of great etiquette" my eyes not avoiding his eye contact "i could have ignored that but I won't tolerate anyone insulting my parents. So even if you think i was wrong, i will not apologize to her"i explained confidently without lowering my gaze almost ended up ranting about the situation.

His eyebrows knitted forming few lines on his forehead, Is he loosing his calm because of my outrage. my tongue clicked the roof of my mouth in curiosity. Shockingly soon his eyes lit up and lips curved into a thin smile for some reason. I was still recovering from his reaction when Lavanya's voice interrupted.

"But she slapped me, what about that? and i was right she is using you to get money and-"squinting she protested

"Enough Lavanya! I know what you did. You really disappointed me today. You both were wrong but specially you. The slap you are talking about is the reaction of your actions which was hideous. i have to take a action against you so no other employees dares to do this again" he starts typing something on his laptop ignoring the furious stares from Lavanya.

"What are you doing ASR? I'm asking you something please answer me"Lavanya starts desperately asking him. His refusal of offering any answer offending her more.

I was just sitting on my chair not knowing how to react to this situation. I also had no idea what he was doing exactly or what was going to happen to me or her. I just don't want get into their fuss but I have to admit it was kind of admirable of him that he took my side despite the fact that he is taking a fight for his employees self respect and that too with his business partner's daughter.

"Here" he printed out the paper which he hands over to her. Her eyes widened in horror after reading it and then looked at him in schok.

"You can't do this. You can't fire me"her voice sounds hurt more than suprised. Now we both were looking at him dreadfully. I never wanted her to get kicked out of her job .

"Go collect your final pay check from Aman"his face remains expressionless as he declared.

She clenched her jaw looking murderously at me, clearing the blur infront of her eyes by blinking and crushing the paper between her palm, she dashed out of the room.

After she left i was planning to call it a day now that all this happened i was not looking for trouble anymore.

"I think i should go home"i announced as i got up from my seat.

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