kidnapped (dark reveal part-1)

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Chapter- 25

Khusi pov

My short breathing could be heard as i am trying to open my eyes which feels as heavy as my hands.

Soon i felt something on my face which jerked my body and i opened my eyes. My vision is blurry adjusting to the light,my body feels too weak to keep my eyes open.

Soon i heared  footsteps  walking away from me but still can't see anything. The sharp light coming from the lamp opposite of me hits my eyes. I regain my conciousness  along  with the growing pain in my body.

In the dark surrounding i couldn't  see much  except the lamp's gloomy glow. The anxiety level goes up with the thought of how long I have been here, a day, week or more?

No one was there  for me to ask questions as the stillness witness my silent tears, my heart clinches thinking about how much my family must be suffering.

I start trying to loose the rope tied around my hand and my legs attached to the chair my body is sitting on. I struggle with my weak body which gave up after few minutes.

Slouching down lifelessly on the chair , i looked up towards the sky thinking why oh why would anybody do this to me? Was things really meant to end like this?

I truned around my head  to my left immediately hearing someone opening a  door, a dark shadow comming towards me. The click clack sound of heels ecohing, my eyes followed the figure as it stands right infront of me blocking the only source of light.

" Khusi! You must be thinking ways to get out of here,things that you could say to please me, aren't you? Hahahaha" She laughed as if she was having fun mocking me.

" No i won't , not until i know what i did to you that you are willing to go this down" i was surprised that her voice sounds so similar yet  unknown, the way her sound reeks of hatered.

" Ask your scoundrel parents, what good deeds of theirs leads you to these mess" the more i hear her talk the less she makes sense, no matter what nobody can insult my parents.

" Kill me if you want to but i will not hear a bad word against my parents" i threw the only shoe left on my foot on her face. Bang! Huh my aim was right on point though i can't even see her face properly.

"Ahhh!Owww! You bitch!  How dare you" she started growling in pain as she massages her cheek.

Just then someone opened the door once again but this time , i closed my eyes tightly as the lights were truned on suddenly making me go blind with  the brightness all at once.

Opening my eyes slowly on hearing the other person's footsteps getting closer to me.

"R-ahul" his blurry face appeared infront of me as i try making my vision clear but as he moves to the other side. Another face appeared, the face i never expected to be even in my wildest nightmare.

"Taniya! You.. Why" my whole world, my thoughts, my nervousness everything goes numb seeing my best friend, the person who i grew up to love eachother like sisters  looking into my eyes with disgust and an unknown loathing that it would make anyone shrink back in horror.

The other person (rahul) starts saying something but all I could focus is on the person i knew for so long.

"Why are you all doing this? Taniya  why on earth would you do this to me and you Rahul i thought you were my friend"
I found the strength to finally speak up, i didn't know how long I would be able to keep it up.

"Hahaha! friend hahaha!" He laughed with a evil gleam in his eyes.

"Khusi my best friend your so easy to fool. You know this person not even for a week and you expect him to be your friend just because he let out his hand for help in the time of your mere misery" a drozen needles danced their way across my forehead as my headache kicks in hearing her ruthless words.

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