Day 1

18 1 2

I remember walking into the classroom tentatively. I held, I held my two notebooks.. yes! I remember them notebooks..
One of them, was a brown leather notebook, that one my Grandad gifted to me. The other one was pink! It was a present from an auntie who lived in some big town away from us, Auntie Effy!
I never held a bag. I held them in my hands. I remember the weight causing my arms to hang down by my stomach as I made my way to school every morning, and, on the way back of-course.
Then.. I lived with most of the family. I remember all 9 of us trying to fit in one household. Sometimes it was fun! Sometimes it was hell.
One persons argument ended with 9 people being involved..
I was the 3rd child in the family, then my brother Aris, he was 23, and the eldest was our cousin Ektor he was 26. Me being 18, being the youngest, everyone always had to watch over matter how old I got I was never old enough for them to stop looking over my shoulder.
As for the elder in our family, my father Philipos and mother, Eleni, as well as my uncle Nick and my auntie Fey all lived under the same household.
Oh! And ofcourse.. the head of our family, grandad David and grandma Thalia!
Everyone called me junior Thalia when referring to me and old Thalia for my grandma since I got my name of her.

Long story short, we were a big household and therefore lived in a decent sized house although still small for 9 of us. It was right in the middle of the village by the Mayor's Hall.
Grandad David governed the area for as long as I can remember. Though he stepped down, and then my father and uncle Nick took his place.

As anyone could tell.. I never lived the average life of a girl my age.
Around the corner from the Mayors Hall There was a big brick building in which I had spent the past 12 years of my life in studying; our local primary, middle and highschool all in one.

... I walked into the classroom the first day of my last year. I faced a whole new classroom I hardly knew anyone. I felt my heart rapidly pump out of my chest as I let my eyes run through the crowded desks trying to spot Maria and Lukas.
They were no where to be seen.
I panicked!
Everyone was focused on me, standing by the door holding my two notebooks.
Those few minutes of silence whilst I glanced around trying to find an empty seat was torture.
I could hear whispering, laughing, chatting..

"Oh no! They're laughing at me. Are they laughing at my awkward posture? Or maybe.. is my dress funny to them..? What if my books are too old fashioned!..what about my shoes are these not modern!?"
I thought as I dropped my eyes onto my feet whilst slowly putting one foot behind the other thinking everything was wrong with me and everyone was laughing at me, everything went past my mind. I even questioned my hair, my face. Paranoid was an understatement..

To my right, at the teachers desk, there was a new face! I wasn't familiar with him, and me?! I almost knew half the village due to the "mayor" family! (Ugh). I hated that nickname.

"So... your name young lady?!"

Wait.. I thought. He doesn't know me?! I looked over to him as I still stood by the door. I must've looked surprised that he wasn't aware of who I was but soon I pulled myself together.. I always tried to hide the "mayor's daughter" pride face looking girl that everyone made fun of me for.

"So? We don't have all day lady!"
He continued following with a settle smile to remain his 'friendly' new teacher vibe.

Everyone laughed hesitantly but soon stopped when the teacher.. hit his hand against the wooden desk before him.

"Anything funny?! Make space for the new 'unnamed girl' so I can get into my lesson. Come on! Do as I said move! 2 students on each desk, break those circles immediately!"

I coughed, before I sat next to this bitch looking faced girl.
"Thalia.. my name is Thalia."
A continued as I hesitantly looked over at his desk.

And that was my first encounter with our new teacher.. oh! And what it seemed like new classroom as there was not a single person I knew..

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