Day 3\Day 4

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Day 3 I don't remember much about, it must've been a casual Saturday morning. Me and Grandma Thalia would tidy around the house, then I would watch her cook, she always said I needed to watch in order to learn. Later in the afternoon grandad David and I would sit in his office one work dedicated space in the house and I would study for my upcoming lessons the week after.
Sunday was my free day, I would sleep until 10 the latest. Lazy day my Grandma called it. Although everyone else was up and running, I, as the youngest, got away with doing nothing unless I had remaining homework.

"No, don't talk about him, he's like those clever ones that think they're cool because they're teachers!"

My parents looked at each-other all confused.

"Well darling what did you expect, he's a teacher he's not going to babysit a bunch of reckless kids around."

Mother was always on everyone else's side but mine. If I ever waited for sympathy it would have to be grandma Thalia or Grandad David. Mm! Sometimes father too.

Ektor and Aris were too busy listenting to our conversation whilst laughing and whispering at each-other. 

"What's funny boys, I'm sick of you laughing and whispering away.!"

"Mm.. mother am I noticing some strange behaviour coming from little T?"

I still remember his stupid laugh after every word he said.

"Shush, go to your rooms boys leave your sister alone!"
Grandad David showed up to save me from their intimidating comments.
"She's not my sister grandad David! So should I stay?"

"Shush Ektor! Don't try to play clever with me! Leave your cousin alone then if that's easier to understand. Go on, to your rooms now."

I remember that belittling feeling each time both of them stupid boys made me feel so stupid with their stupid comments I never understood.
I watched them walk away whilst laughing at their own jokes. Usual behaviour.

"I'm dying to meet the 'pretty' annoying teacher of yours little T. Don't forget to point him out when I take you to school tomorrow."

He had to throw his last comment in there didn't he. I instantly looked at my grandad with fear in my eyes.

"Grandad what is he saying. He's not taking me to school right? That's embarrassing!"

"I said go on to your rooms lads! Enough of this already!"
He raised his voice at them as he wrapped his arm around me.

"Why is it embarrassing darling, realistically someone should be talking you to school but it's the distance that's so close and.."

"AND! I'm old enough to be going to school myself grandad what are you saying!"

He was only joking with me. I remember his jokey scares now and then, those that made me want to Puke and scream at the same time though he would quickly reveal he was only kidding and I would jump in relief.

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