Day 7

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"I know!"

Yellow haired boy jumped out of his seat and thrown his arm up in the air dying to give the answer in physics.

"Sit down young man, I asked Anna!"

Anna was the pink bow girl.. she never knew the answer and that time he really did target her like there was no tomorrow.

I watched her sweat out of embarrassment for not knowing the answer whilst the prick of a teacher let the minutes run adding more and more pressure on her.

I whispered but she failed to hear me.

"Come on young lady, you clearly know how to chat 27/4 so you should know this too!"

I whispered again but she stared into my eyes looking all confused.

I shouted.

Everyone turned their heads to my direction and watched what was about to follow.

"I don't remember your name being Anna young lady."

"You were putting too much pressure on her sir."

"Young lady this is for me to judge and not you!"
He raised his voice.
I had the next response ready though, Anna squeezed my hand to stop me and so I decided to let him have the last sentence for once. 

"Well you can answer question 4 then Miss Anna!"
He said whilst he stared at me, he clearly thought he achieved something by repeatedly trying to humiliate students and he most likely thought by staring into my soul he was proving himself though at that moment it was that the bell went off, then it was my time to laugh.

Anna and I looked at each other and smiled whilst Mr Adonis  was stood furious but the white board wiping the questions off.

I was the last one to walk out. As I walked passed him heading towards the door I paused my stem beside him and whispered the answer to question 4.
Until this day I can't remember his reaction since I gave him zero chance to respond before I sped off.

"Hold on a second Miss Papa!"

I turned around to see where the voice was coming from.

"You again? What do you want Mr Adonis, I think lesson time is over"

"You really think playing clever will get you far young lady?"

"It's ironic that you call me young lady sir don't you think..? It's even more ironic that you think I'm the one playing it clever."

I said and I carried on walking. I remember him speed walking to catch up to me though there was too many students around that he finally stopped to avoid drawing attention to himself.

"We're not done Miss Papa! I will see you tomorrow!"
He shouted.
What did this man want from me, I always said young teachers shouldn't be allowed to associate with higher classes.

"The maturity levels are too low in my opinion"

"Your opinion doesn't matter darling, the Man is there to do his job like it or not you will have to deal with it!"

Of course mother was against me once again. Everyone else was right but me.

Typical behaviour of mine was to speed off to my bedroom and slam the door behind me. Then grandma Thalia would arrive in zero minutes to listen to my pain.

"And so? Make his life even harder, remember we don't settle for anything that doesn't settle right with us!"

"Shush silly woman, what advice is this you give to our little girl!"
Then.. Grandad David would pop in our of no where and squeeze his opinion in there.

"Whatever he is, you're there to learn, a year it is darling one last year! Make the best of it then you're gone!"
Then I would let them argue in between them! Grandma was a strong feminist and generally a strong opinionated woman who wouldn't settle for anything she didn't support which some could say, was strange as she was the Mayor's wife. The mayor, speaking of my grandad back in the day. Grandad David was a very patriarchal man. Though they fell in love and only they know how they lasted.

"Grandma is a loving person my sweetheart, only I know how I lasted with such a Man like your Grandad! I hope you find someone that goes by your say!"

When grandad David would hear her mouth away on something so against to the society's norms of them days, he would go crazy.
Then I would send them both out of my bedroom and then, grandad David would calm down and apologise. I must say as he got older he softened a lot, grandma says it's because he had a granddaughter now and he sees the world different.

"With two sons darling, he became more and more stubborn to his patriarchal views, though now, he's changed."
She used to say.

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