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It was currently lunch break on set, as they had been shooting all day and everyone needed a break, the actors, the crew members, everyone on set needed a break. 

Chani was about to head to his dressing room to eat, when he felt a hand grab his arm. He turned to see who grabbed his arm, and was surprised at who it was.

Rowoon. The one guy on set that Chani really didn't want to talk to if it wasn't necessary. 

"Hey, I was thinking that we should eat lunch together, so we can go over the scene."

Chani groaned in his head, he did not want to spend his lunch break with Rowoon of all people.

Although, he did find it weird that the taller was being so nice to him.

"Fine. Just so we can get some practice in together."

Rowoon let out his signature smile and grabbed Chani's wrist, pulling him onto his dressing room. He set up two chairs facing each other in front of the vanity, before sitting down, putting his plate of food on the vanity table.

Chani did the same, before pulling his script out from his pocket.

"What scene are we practicing?"

Chani asked with a scowl on his face, he really didn't want to do this, but he also really needed the practice.

"The scene with the fight, I'm having trouble getting into the emotion of the character. I think that having you practice with me will help me with it."

Chani just nodded, sighing and hoping that this would all be done with soon. 

"Okay, you can start."

Without warning, Rowoon stood up, pushing his chair into a corner of the room. Chani was confused, wouldn't they sit down to practice lines?

Chani was startled when Rowoon grabbed his hand and pulled him up from his chair, making the younger boy stumble and fall into him. Rowoon didn't flinch or even move, all he did was put his hand on Chani's back to steady the much smaller boy.

"We should do the blocking too, so we can really get good practice."

Rowoon's smirk made Chani even more annoyed, when would this whole thing end?

"Fine." Chani huffed out, looking around before moving to the vanity's table and standing in front of it.

He felt Rowoon's arms wrap around him from behind, making him uncomfortable. Chani knew that there would be a lot of skinship like this when they were filming, but he was still uncomfortable with it.

"Jun, you have to mix the food in, remember?" Rowoon's deep voice filled Chani's ear, the line feeling more real as Chani processed it. 

"I'll do what I want, the dogs still eat it." Chani's voice came out more disinterested than mad, but neither paid any attention to it.

"But that's not the right way to do it."

"Why do you care if I do it the right way? Why do you care about anything I do anyway?"

Rowoon backed away, staring at the back of Chani's head.

"Woah, is something wrong? Jun, did something happen?"

"Stop calling me that."

Chani's fists balled up, portraying anger. He was a good actor from all of the dramas he did, and those definitely made him use strong emotion.

"Stop calling you what?"

"T-that stupid pet name! Jun! Stop it!"

"Okay, is there something else you want me to call you?"

Rowoon feigned innocence and cluelessness as Chani yelled at him, finally turning around to meet his eyes.

"Why don't you just call me 'it' like you did before?"

"It? What do you mean?"

"Don't play dumb! When you were on the phone, you referred to me as it. You called the dogs shes, but you called me an it!"

"Minjun, I can explain."

"I don't need your explanation! All I need is for you to go away! I have worked so hard my entire life to get to where I am now, and some rich asshole like you just doesn't see that, you only see wealth, because it's all you've ever known."

Chani moved to pretend to leave, when Rowoon grabbed his wrist as it was blocked. 

He pulled Chani back to him, their bodies uncomfortably close, too close.

Chani then realized that this was not how the blocking went.


Chani cut himself off when Rowoon pushed him up onto the vanity table, Rowoon standing in between his legs.

"You're so hot when you're yelling at me."

Chani had no time to process what was said or happening before Rowoon's lips were on his and Rowoon's arms were wrapped around him. 

Chani let out a noise of surprise into the kiss, but he didn't push Rowoon away.

He didn't know why, but he was too overwhelmed with what was happening to think about anything but Rowoon.

The way Rowoon's lips felt on his, the warmth of his body pressed against Chani's, and the feeling of his hands, which had slipped up into Chani's sweater, it made Chani confused. 

Rowoon's hands ran up his sides, running across his stomach before moving down to grab the younger's hips.

The grip was what made Chani finally give in, kissing Rowoon back. He knew that he would regret it, and he had a voice in his head screaming at him for doing this, but he was too lost in the moment to care.

However, the moment was cut short by Rowoon and Chani being called to set, Rowoon pulling away from the kiss, looking at Chani with a smirk on his face.

"I'll see you tonight, so we can practice more."

And with that, Rowoon left the dressing room, leaving behind a confused (and slightly turned on) Chani.

He touched his lips in  shock, the warmth of Rowoon's still present.

Now Chani was confused. He thought it was weird that Rowoon was being nice to him, and now he went and did... that. 

Chani thought that Rowoon saw him as a child, but now Rowoon was treating him like an adult. 

Chani was really confused.

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