t h i r t e e n

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bella swings the bottle up, taking a long sip as she wipes at her face. the bottle was almost drained at this point. she blinked again, the feeling of you under her coming back to her.

god you looked so angelic that night.

three years later and it wasnt till kendall had you that she wanted you back. she wanted to see you, her drunken state telling her to drive over. but bella knew kendall had taken your clothes back to you. she touched the skin under her eye, all bruised up from kendall the night prior and she smashed the bottle to ground, watching the pieces shatter.

"fucking hell," she muttered, realizing what she'd done. she grabbed her shirt, lying on the bed to push the pieces together, she hadnt even realized she was bleeding until her shirt was starting to turn red in her blurred vision.

"can i come over tomorrow?" kendall asked as you washed her plate from lunch. you nodded.

"of course," you said as she wrapped her arms around you from behind. she kissed your neck as you dried off your hands. you giggled at the feeling before turning around.

"i should head home," she whispered, forehead against yours. you gave her a small smile. "got some stuff to do."

"hm," you hummed as she kissed you. you pulled away from her and she sighed, grabbing her keys from the counter. "leaving now?"

she nodded and you walked her to the door. she pulled you back after she'd pulled on her shoes. "see you tomorrow," you whispered, hand on her waist.

"yeah," she sighed. "i love you," she whispered, licking her lips. you looked away. "you still cant say it?" she asked. you looked back up at her.

"i'm sorry." she quickly shook her head.

"take your time," she whispered. you smiled, she kissed you on the head before you pulled the door open for her. "bye baby."

"bye bye," you whispered before closing the door. you turned, letting out a sigh.
you needed to figure out why you were losing your fucking mind like this.

it wasnt till later that day kendall had called saying she was going over to hailey's for a bit. you smiled texting her back an okay and she asked if you wanted to go. you figured bella would be going too and denied the offer.

but she didnt. because bella was drunk in broad daylight and had walked herself to your building. she'd known where you lived, kendall had dropped you off before while she was in the car.

and so there bella was, pounding on your front door. you were in the middle of baking, to get your mind off of things and here she was. you gasped as she fell in, eyes barely open.

"bella!" she slurred some response to you as you shut the door behind her. "oh my god."

"it's the love of my life," she mumbled, head on your shoulder as you leaned back.

"oh my god, bella," you whispered, dragging her down the hall.

you pulled her into your bathroom, deciding to splash some water on her face. then you noticed her hand. "bella what the fuck?"

"its the bottle, you know," she pulled her other one up to make drinking hand gester "dropped it, and bam, everywhere," she hiccuped. you shut your eyes tight as you pushed her up the counter, and held her bad arm up.

"is it always this hand?" you asked, reaching down for your first aid kit. she hiccuped, and her breath smelled of alcohol. you winced, wondering how much she'd had.

she was wasted. "you're so pretty, you know that, damn y/n-"

"bella, you sighed, pulling her hand to run it under the water. she let out a yelp at the sting. "its okay," you cooed.

"you're so nice," she mumbled. "need some one who's going to treat you good." you ignored her. "look, blood," she mumbled at the sinking. "its all purple."

"red," you sighed, "blood's red." she frowned.

"i know my colours," she yelled. you sighed, pouring the hydrogen peroxide over her wound. this time she did nothing. "stings, baby," she whistled. you sighed, ignoring the nickname.

"it'll get better," you whispered, wrapping her hand up. "you need to sleep, and water you need water," you said to her.

"wanna sleep together," she said between hiccups and a wink she accidently did it with both eyes. you sighed.

"i'll get you water, you stay here," you said with another deep breath. she nodded.

"okay, love you," she said, closing her eyes, leaning her head back against the mirror.

"love you too, b-"

what was happening?!

𝐇𝐀𝐓𝐑𝐄𝐃 ✧ 𝐊𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐀𝐋𝐋 𝐗  𝐘𝐎𝐔 𝐗 𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐋𝐀Where stories live. Discover now