s i x t e e n

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you woke up to your phone ringing and just answered, still half asleep. "hello?"
"hi," you heard. you sat up, rubbing your eyes. "how'd you sleep?"

you pulled the phone away from your face and frowned at the unfamiliar number. "sorry, who is this?"

"oh- uh, it's me, bella," you heard, your eyes widened as you recognized the voice. "sorry, didn't think to- yeah."

"oh-" you sat in bed, legs swinging over. "no it's cool."

"just wanted to thank you for yesterday, that was kinda fucked up, showing up drunk and stuff, didn't think- yeah," she said. a small smile played on your lips.

"no, its okay," you said. "i hope you're feeling better?"

"i am, yeah, thank you," she said. "the soup was nice." you stayed quiet for a moment.

"how'd you get my number- did i give it to you?" she was quiet now.

"took it from kendall's phone." you nodded as you stood, phone pressed to your ear by your shoulder as you slipped on your slippers. "sorry, just wanted to-"

"no it's okay," you said. "but, thank you for waking me up? ive got class in a bit-"

"oh, sorry-"

"no no, thank you," you said. you heard her chuckle. "alright bella, ill see you, then?"

"yeah, see you."

you ended the call with a shake of your head before dialing for kendall. when she didn't pick up in the first few rings you frowned, only for her to pick up just as you were about to end it. "hello?"

"morning, kenny," you said with a smile. you heard a cough and yawn.

"y/n, oh it's late," she sighed. you heard her bed creak as she sat up. "sorry baby, overslept," she mumbled. "good morning angel."

"morning," you said as you headed to your closet. "sleep well?"

"mm," she hummed. she still wasn't really up yet. "how'd you get up without me?" she asked. you bit your lip.

"oh just on my own i guess," you said. you heard her laugh. "well, baby, ive got class in a bit, i'll- i'll see you after?"

"mhm, im gonna sleep some more," she mumbled. you smiled. "bye bye, love you."

"bye kenny."

you couldn't even pay attention as your professor talked. all you could think about were kendall and bella. it wasn't even a few weeks ago that you'd hoped to just be bella's friend, for her to stop hating you.

but now? you didn't even know what you wanted now. all you knew is that this wasnt gonna end clean.

you headed back home once class ended, for some lunch before you went to the store. you had some grocery shopping to do, seeing as you'd dumped all your vegetables into bella's soup the night prior.

and while you were in the midst of eating leftover soup? your buzzer rang. you sighed as you went to open the door. "ken-"

she pressed her lips to yours and you pushed her off by the chest. "wanted to say hi- you taste good," she mumbled. you laughed as you let her in. "what're you cooking?"

"nothing, i microvawed soup," you said with a laugh. she sat at your barstool and you smiled, leaning against the island. "what're you doing here?"

"came to say hi, i told you," she said picking up your spoon to try it. "fucking delicious," she said, in a British accent, dropping the spoon back in. you laughed.
"stoppp," you said, pulling your bowl away from her. she pulled you into her lap and you sighed, sitting back to eat.

"how was class?" you shrugged.

"i literally wasn't listening," you said with a smile, trying to eat. she kissed the back of your neck.

"how're you gonna graduate, hm?" you shook your head.

"think i'll just drop out and become a stripper," you said with a smile.

"excuse me?" you laughed and turned to kiss her. you kissed her for quite a bit, grabbing at her shirt while her soft fingers played with your hair. you pulled away and smiled at her. "i need you," she whispered. you smiled.

"got lots do today," you said, hopping off of her. she frowned at you and you patted her cheek. "that's what you came here for? sex?"

"no, i came to say hi!" she yelled, hands running through her hair. you smiled as you set your bowl in the sink. "what're you doing that's more important than me?"

"gotta go grocery shopping, have some stuff to get at target, probably get an assignment done," you said, ticking you're ist off your fingers.

"can i come?" you smiled.

"aren't you clingy?" you kissed her cheek as she pouted. "just wanted some me time today, kenny," you said. she sighed.

"okay, fine," she said. you kissed her softly and looked her in the eye as you pulled away slowly. "i get you tomorrow?"

"sure thing," you said with a smile, kissing her again. "hmm, time for you to go now," you hummed, pulling her up.

"five minutes, i'll get you off in five minutes," she mumbles as you pushed her to the door.

"cocky, are we?" you asked. you pulled the door open for her and she stepped out, not before bending down to kiss you. "bye, ken," you whispered.

"bye baby," she mumbled against your lips. "love you." you smiled, kissing her cheek. she sighed. "when- when're you gonna say it back?" she asked. you looked up at her.

"i don't know," you whispered. "i'm sorry, i don't want to-"

"no, no it's okay," she whispered, pushing your hair behind your ear. "i'll wait."

that was kendall jenner. always so understanding.

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