Scenarios With Your Bias

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A/N: I literally cringed at myself as I typed this especially for Cancer's one *cringes*
Aries: Cooking breakfast for him and bringing it up to your shared room. Having breakfast in bed and watching movies while cuddling. You falling asleep in his arms, He smiled and placed a blanket to cover you and him as well.

Taurus: Going to a amusement park, riding scary rides although he didn't want to but you dragged him along with you. You comforting him after the scary ride.

Gemini: Waking up to find a tray of food at the side of the bed. You picked up a note you saw and smiled. After eating, you brought the tray downstairs. As you were washing the plates, someone hugged you from behind. You smiled and he whispered 'good morning' into your ear.

Cancer: Gaming session. You winning against him and he pouted. "Jaigya your good at this game," He complimented. You smiled and kissed him. "Your hungry aren't you?" You asked and he nodded. "I'll make us food," You stood up but to only be pulled back down by him grabbing your wrist. (A/N: Here comes the cringey part :/ My brain told me to type this so I listened :/ AND I HAVE NO IDEA WHY I DID THAT ㅜㅜ ). "Why must you cook food for me when I already have it here with me?" He smirked. " about no," You playfully pushed him. "Get back here!" You laughed. He chased you around the house when he finally caught you. "Love you," You kissed his cheek. "Love you too," He smiled.
(A/N: o.O )

Leo: Having a picnic at the park. The wind calmly brush against your skin, laying down, looking at the clouds. You smiled and hugged him. He kissed the top of your head and raffled your hair. You liked it whenever you guys have time for this date or just chillin in the park.

Virgo: At the beach. You building a sand castle only to have it destroyed by a ball. "Awe man I worked so hard on this!" You pouted. "Hey you! Watch it!" You heard him( Your bias or Ultimate bias ) shouted. "Jaigya, its okay. Sorry about him, he is protective of me. I am deeply sorry,". "It's okay ma'dam, we'll play somewhere else!" The kid shouted and ran to find another spot.

Libra: (A/N: This one is gonna be about a tiktok trend). Your boyfriend on the couch playing his game with his friends. You coming out of the shower and remembering the trend. You smirked and walked to the living room. "Jaigya," You called and he looked at you. His jaw dropped. "Boys I'll be right back," He takes off his headphones and drops his controller. (A/N: Uh, I don't think I wanna continue for this one o.O )

Scoprio: Going for a walk in the streets and taking photos. Stopping by at a cafe and getting hot chocolate since it was winter. Going home and him making food. You admire him as he cooked lunch for the both of you. You stood up and hugged him from behind. You smiled.

Sagittarius: Laying in bed, still asleep. "Wake up," He said in a low but sweet voice. "I'm tired," You groaned. "Please?" You could tell he was sulking at the tone of his voice. "5 more minutes," You said, tired. "Fine," He crawled onto of bed and laid beside you. He kissed your forehead and you buried your face in his chest, taking in his sweet scent.

Capricorn: You woke up and saw your boyfriend still sleeping. You smiled and decided to make him breakfast. You slowly got off the bed and went to the kitchen. As you were making the pancakes, someone hugged you. "Good morning," he said, you could tell he was half asleep. "Good morning," You kissed his cheek.

Aquarius: You and your boyfriend were playing nerf gun in the backyard with your friends and his friends. "3...2...1...Go!" You shouted and started to built your teams fort. After finishing the fort, the match started. You and your boyfriend were the only ones left. "(Your bias name) you got this!" His friends cheered. He looked at you and smirked. "Sorry Jaigya," He shot you. "It's okay," You

Pisces: You got home from a tiring day at work. You dropped all your stuff and took off your shoes. You went up to your room and plopped yourself onto the bed and fell asleep. Your bias POV. I come home to find Y/N's coat, shoes, things on the ground near the door. "She must have had a tiring say at work again," I murmured and went to the kitchen. I placed the bags of food onto the counter and walked to our shared room. I slowly and silently opened the door and saw her sleeping. I smiled an decided to make her some food or order pizza since she likes pizza. After the pizza arrived, I went to the living room and placed the pizzas onto the coffee table. I made drinks and placed them onto the table. I turn on the TV and turned on her favorite movie. I went up to our room and woke her up. "Jaigya, wake up," I said in a low but sweet voice. "I'm tired," she groaned. "I have a surprise," I said and she slowly opened her eyes. "Carry me," she said, still half asleep. I giggled and carried her bride style and brought her to the living room. She gasps and tapped my arm to let go of her. I gently made her back to her feet and she sprinted towards the couch. I laughed and sat next to her. Your POV. I hugged him, burying my face into his chest. "Thank you jaigya," I kissed his cheek. "Anything for my boo," he raffled my hair. You smiled and took one slice. He played the movie and you both ate.

A/N: I had finished it. FINALLY. I hope you enjoyed this cringey story (´-ι_-`)

Total words: 1002👀

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