Who you open a business with & what business

309 8 6

Aries: Joshua/Cafe

Taurus: Vernon/Clothing store

Gemini: Dino/Celebrity

Cancer: Woozi & Seungcheol/Artists

Leo: Hoshi/Technology
(A/N: Even though Hoshi is bad at Technology XD Someone help this boi)

Virgo: Dokyeom/Fashion Designer

Libra: Jeonghan/Engineering

Scoprio: Seungkwan/Cashier

Sagittarius: The8/Actor

Capricorn: Jun/Flower shop

Aquarius: Mingyu/Internet Cafe

Pisces: Wonwoo/Icecream shop
Auhtor: I am shocked because the amount of reads got from 600 to 800 o.O

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