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With a gentle sigh, you wandered up the excessively long stairs. Stepping into the office of the pro hero Hawks, you found the blonde haired male sitting at his desk, his glasses from his hero costume leisurely thrown to the side as he rested his cheek in the palm of his hand, golden brown eyes fixated on the paper before him. You watched as he twiddled with the pen in hand, his brows slightly knitting together in confusion.

"Hey," You sweetly smiled, walking towards him as your grip on the folders in your hand tightened.

"Hello," He returned the smile, glancing up for a short moment before he pushed the paper to the side with a delighted sigh.


"Sadly," He shrugged, "Anyways what's up?"

"Are we actually going out today?" You replied, "We should get patrolling soon, Hawks."

"You're already trying to do hero work? We just got back an hour ago," His brow raised, a small pout forming on his face as he threw his head backwards with a click of his tongue, "Just relax for a bit. No need to worry your pretty little face."

Ignoring the blush that had begin to form on your face, you spoke. "It doesn't hurt too-"

"You worry way too much," He groaned, kicking his legs up with a frown.

"I think you don't worry enough," You countered with a smirk.

"Whatever you say," He hummed, his arms leisurely crossed over his chest.

"Anyways," You cleared your throat before beginning to speak, placing the folder before him, "This week the number of attacks from villains was.... weird. There was a total of 32, which is oddly-"

He cleared his throat, interrupting with a sly smile. "Can you change that number to 33?"


The sudden breaking of glass caused your e/c eyes to widen, as a villain bursted through the window, eyes a dark, bloody red as he glared in Hawks' direction.

"Get out of here," He warned, "Escort the civilians."

"G-Got it," You uttered, rushing towards the door as you practically raced downstairs to get out into the city. It seemed although there was a gang of villains, their leader recklessly barged into the agency by himself as the others stayed and held a family captive.

"None of you move," The villains warned, as they stood victoriously before the crowd, "Or this family gets it."

Fear was evident in the eyes of the people surrounding the villains as you slightly shifted, your mind racing as you thought about the best course of action. Your fingers graced your side, as you were enveloped in a cloak of invisibility, your breathing leveling. Taking silent steps forwards, your presence went unnoticed as you moved towards the villains. Gripping tightly onto the knife in your hand, you moved to get behind the villains, their attention focused on the crowd's movements.

I can take 3 of them. You mentally noted, as you dashed forwards, elbowing one of the villains in the back as he jerked forwards in surprise.

"Huh?!" His rough voice called out, turning to face his friend, "Don't hit me."

"I didn't hit you idiot," The other retorted, their heads clashing in anger.

"Oh yeah? Wait until-"

"Guys let's calm down," The third one spoke, his hand leisurely resting on his hip. You swung the knife across his side, his eyes widening in surprise as he froze up.

Mission (Hawks/Keigo Takami x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now