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"We should get out of here while we can," He mumbled with a sigh.

Remaining silent, you pulled at the taller male's hand, pulling him closer to you as he pressed himself up against you, a small blush forming on your face as your bodies turned transparent.

"We have about 5 minutes before my quirk runs out," You mumbled under your breath, "They might give us valuable information."

Hawks quietly chuckled, moving to wrap his arms around your shorter frame. The blush that had begun to form on your face only brightened as he surged downwards, pulling you into a hug as he moved to whisper in your ear, "Your quirk works better with closer contact, right?"

You could only nod, the heavy footsteps from before only getting closer as three men stormed into the room. Hawks' hot breath could be felt tickling your neck as he slightly pulled you closer to him.

"I already told you no one's here!'

"We both heard people," One of them hissed.

"Maybe we were imagining things?" The third one offered, "He's right. No one's in here."

"We covered everything. No one has any reason to be here."

Hawks slightly shuffled in attempts to get into a more comfortable position, his leg gently rubbing against yours. The action sent a sent a shiver down your spine, but the hero who had his arms wrapped around you failed to notice.

"Whatever," The man grunted, his arms leisurely crossed over his chest.

A delighted sigh escaped your lips when the men left the room. You quickly pulled away from his grip with a blush that tinted your cheeks, still latching onto his hand as your bodies came into view, all except his wings.

"Let's look around for a bit longer," You stated, as you walked next to each other, fingers slowly interlocking with one another.

Your e/c eyes scanned the room for a few moments before falling onto an uneven brick on the wall. As you reached for it, your hands landed on it's rough surface before you pulled the brick out of it's slot with a small grunt.

"I think I found something," You mentioned to Hawks who moved to stand next to you. Placing the brick on the floor, you peeked into the small hole, Hawks doing the same as your eyes narrowed in on the figure. There was a sign of a circle that encased a red arrow, "What do you think it means?"

"Probably something important," He grumbled, "We'll look into it. For now let's go back to our room."


You were awoken by the sudden sound of knocking at the door. Sitting upwards, you slightly yawned, motioning to get to the door before Hawks interrupted, surging upwards and towards the sound.

"Are you....?"

"Yes. I'm Hawks," He grinned happily. The man heaved a relieved sigh before handing him a small box, "Thanks."

"Have a good day!"

Walking towards you, you noticed that Hawks had gotten up before you, already ready for the day. He placed the box down next to you, opening it with ease before pulling out a small device.

"What is that?" You questioned.

"I made a last minute request for something," He inspected the small device, poking at it with his finger, "It's a device that will give the police our location."

Mission (Hawks/Keigo Takami x Male!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now