Anchor IV

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Includes mentions of homicidal tendencies, previous deaths, character death, and fluff


Lucas held grudges, but he didn't just hold grudges, he wanted to act upon those resentful urges. Perhaps, that was one thing that Athanasia disliked about Lucas... "no, I don't dislike it. I'm concerned about him."

She feared that Lucas was planning to murder Claude in his sleep, even attack him while she wasn't looking. And, though he claimed that he was stronger than her father, she really only had their last fight as her reference. In summary, she didn't trust Lucas to survive that particular battle, so she did everything possible to distract him.

There was only one problem... she didn't know that it was all an act. The dark-haired man didn't particularly care about Claude. Sure, he would gladly slice the man into pieces, but he wasn't the type to start a fight unless provoked. He only did it because his princess was more willing to spend the nights with him, keeping him company so that he wouldn't go around murdering. Lucas found it so adorable, even though it left her sleep-deprived and more than ready to curse him.

Athanasia groaned, landing on top of her bed with a loud thud. A handful of pillows fell off of her massive bed, but she couldn't care. "Lucas, damn it, I'm so exhausted." Before she even knew it, her eyes had closed and she was fast asleep.

When she woke up, she was warm and comfortable, wrapped tightly with a heavy blanket that was lulling her to deeper sleep. It was heavenly, and she wondered if it was the exhaustion making her so comfortable. It wasn't. Instead, she found Lucas's arms wrapped around her.

 Instead, she found Lucas's arms wrapped around her

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"Should I push him off? But I'm too comfortable. Well, wasn't he the one to make me so sleepy, anyway? Ah, to hell with it." Although she didn't want to admit it, having Lucas beside her helped the princess feel safe. Just like before their deaths, always together, always helping the other heal emotionally. She couldn't bear the thought of losing him, not again... not to the games of fate.

"Princess!" The scream immediately pulled Athanasia away from her thoughts and off of her bed, accidentally pushing her companion off as well. When a pained groan was all that filled the silence, she scrambled over her bed to check on her friend. "Lucas, are you okay?"

"What the hell was that?" Lucas groaned, ruffling his hair and sitting up from his position on the ground. His head ached with exhaustion, filled with information about ways to stabilize mana without visiting the world tree. However, he found that research was taking far too long. "I need to make a decision before she turns fourteen. Everything turns to shit the moment that she turns fourteen."


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