Chapter two continued

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I am going to continue the chapter to make it really long like said I would so here you go😃

It has never been so awkward on my life but this is reality and in reality I have to face things like this so I better face home now. OMG the whole time I've been thinking which has been 5 minutes Klaus has been staring at me and smirking. See like I said reality sucks.

So Elena you said you can only have a baby ever think a hybrid. Yes but I wasn't planning on having one with you so I came all the way here just to find out oh that's right you killed all your hybrids but that's not the only reason I also came to see hope but I knew Elena wanted to see me more than she wanted to see hope. Well I show Elena her new bedroom and she goes in it and gets something out called diary so I obviously knew it was her diary.

I go to my room and get out my suitcase and unpacked everything. Out of all the things that I unpacked and take out my diarie and a pen. I notice klause is still their giving his signature smirk at me. You can go now but he says he didn't want to and sat in the rim of my bed and started to kiss me. I kissed him back then he's gives me to the wall and things get heated.

After hope (a klena story so klaus and Elena)Where stories live. Discover now