[Wet Cuddles] Nimh x Reader

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Teehee an actual oneshot for once
The title sounds..weird.

Disclaimer: My English kinda sucks

Nimh will be a hybrid.


Y/N's POV 

I flinched as a bright streak of lightning flashed across the dark evening sky, followed by a harsh rumble of thunder. The rain was pouring outside. I was curled up on my bed with pillows and several blankets covered over my head. Under the sheets, I was scrolling through my phone looking at funny Tweets and occasionally bits of  p^rn. My little horny time was interrupted by the sound of the doorbell.

"Who and why would anyone be visiting me during a downpour?" I muttered. I let out a long groan and lazily crawled out of my comfy den. I dragged myself downstairs, wearing nothing but a black hoodie and baggy striped sweatpants. Once I got to the front door, I inhaled and slammed it open.


I realized I was staring into the eyes of a little soaking wet bunny-human hybrid. Nimh? He seemed to be very startled by my outburst. "O-oh! I'm so sorry for disturbing you! I-I should've known better- I'm so so sorry, I'll leave-" He squeaked. It looked like I apparently frightened him, the poor manimal was starting to tear up. "Wait," I sighed, "I'm sorry for yelling at you like that Nimh, it's fine, you can come in. I'm just grouchy today, that's all."

"U-um, I made snacks!" Nimh held out a bag of chocolate chip cookies. "Oh Nimh, you have to didn't have to do that. You're so sweet. But you should head inside before you catch a cold." Nimh sniffed let out a few sneezes. "Y-yeah.. it probably wasn't the best idea to drive here without an umbrella."

I lead Nimh into the living room and sat him down on the couch. "I'll go get some blankets to warm you up and make popcorn afterwards. We can watch some movies and while we wait for the rain to die down. Sound good?" He nodded. "Here," I tossed him the remote, "you can choose a movie on Netflix while you wait."

After going upstairs and grabbing all of the blankets I could find, I walked into the living room to see Nimh as a cold, sneezing, shivering mess. "Ah, you poor thing.."I wrapped him with multiple fuzzy blankets creating a blanket burrito, scolding him for going out in pouring rain without proper equipment. "Nimh, why did you come here in the first place anyway? You and I both know the weather is too dangerous for going out anywhere." Nimh sniffled. "W-well, you know how I really dislike loud noises, especially thunder. I was feeling a bit panicky being left alone, s-so I figured I could maybe hang out at your place. That is, if you're okay with it." 

"Also b-because I missed you.." he muttered in a low, inaudible voice. "Huh? What was that last part?" A red tint dusted his cheeks. "N-nothing." There was a sudden loud beeping noise from the kitchen. "Ah- the popcorn!" I rushed into the kitchen and quickly grabbed the popcorn bag and some additional snacks, like Nimh's bag of cookies, and a pack of Oreos. Once I made sure Nimh was comfy, I sat back and gently rested my head against his pile of blankets. We both agreed on watching Spirited Away. There would be a powerful crack of thunder every once in a while, but we both felt comfortable and safe. 


2nd person POV

You were halfway through the movie, quietly snorting at the funny parts. Most of the snacks were all gone, or almost gone. You and Nimh somehow ended up in a position where he was curled up with his head resting on your chest, still wrapped in a semi-blanket burrito. Nimh had already fallen asleep only after a quarter of the film. You were petting his head, running your fingers through his hair and on his rabbit ears. His little soft breaths and his adorable sleeping face made you melt. 

You leaned in to give his head tiny pecks, hoping he didn't notice. Nimh's scent was nice, somewhat smelling like vanilla. His smell was possibly from the fact that he often baked a lot of sweets. You hesitantly placed a kiss on his cheek. You blushed from embarrassment, thinking of yourself as a creep. You continued to watch the rest of the rest of the movie in silence.

Meanwhile, Nimh was fully awake the whole time, and now internally screaming and furiously blushing. 


Might delete this later because I'm a dumb b^tch

so.. many.. unfinished... drafts....

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