3. you're daft

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t h ‪r e e
"Aut insanit homo, aut versus facit." - Horace Quintus Flaccus



It was raining-normally this would be a good thing for William as he loved the rain-and he could not fall asleep. His brain wouldn't shut down, so instead, he settled for listening to the pouring rain and watching the flashes of lighting through his window every other minute. He was sprawled on his bed, blankets pulled up to his chin as he watched the dark, stormy night rage on.

William glanced at the clock adorned on the wall above his oak desk, its tick of the red hand soundless thanks to the rain pattering against the roof and the side of his window. It read: 4:11 a.m.

"How lovely," he muttered to himself, tone laced in sarcasm.

Deciding against the possibility of William falling asleep before he had to wake up for his first class of the day, he eased himself out of bed and lazily threw on a pair of shoes without socks-William couldn't be bothered for such a trivial thing at four in the morning. He also brought a blanket with him because it was likely he wouldn't be running into anybody anyways.

The hallways were almost always empty at this hour; William would know.

So, the dark haired boy strolled the empty corridors with his heavy duvet as the storm raged on outside, the rest of the academy peacefully sleeping in their dorm rooms.

Eventually, he settled for leaning against a stone pillar, watching as the sky slowly turned to a stormy grey, the rain slowing down, yet still very evidently there.

A blue tint of light coated the floor as the sun battled against the stormy clouds and silver moon, spilling into the room. William felt a sliver of peace inch its way into his heart in that moment, where no one was there to bother him. His eyes suddenly felt extremely tired, and he rubbed them, then blinked-once, then twice-as he eyed a familiar golden haired twat further down the hallway.

Lucien Harding stood alone at the end of the hallway, walking towards William.

He suddenly scrambled up from his spot and dived behind the pillar he'd been leaning against. Please, he thought, turn down the other hall before you reach me.

But then, Please, he thought, keep coming. I dare you. Get me in trouble.

William scoffed at his own thoughts and watched from his hiding place as Lucien paused, looking out the window for what felt like longer than necessary for a prefect roaming the halls and doing what William suspected were his "prefect duties." He stood there, silent, watching the storm outside.

Eventually, Lucien left, leaving William alone in the hallway once again. He let out a breath of air, then slid back down to the cold stone floor, wrapping his blanket back around him. He remained there for a moment longer, then returned back to his room, dressing for the school day with tired eyes and a tired mind.


"He couldn't possibly be out in the halls at that hour," Ashton said, throwing his hands into the air in a large gesture. "Not even prefects are allowed so."

William paused, thinking about the fact. "Well, what time do they," he paused again, "you know, do their morning checks?"

"An hour before class, I think," Elijah said, struggling with the stack of books in his hand. "Or at least that's what I heard."

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