13. attemp at peace

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t h i r t e e n
"Vivere memento." - Sundial motto



Henry Clover was typically the type of person to avoid possibly awkward and uncomfortable situations, which was the exact reason he had dashed into a random classroom when he saw Roy walking alone at the opposite end of the hallway. Upon entering the classroom, he realized that it was a mistake in doing so. He had walked right into the art classroom, which was thankfully empty.

Roy took art; he was probably coming into this exact classroom.

He couldn't leave as Roy would definitely see him and question him, but he also couldn't just stay here, in the open. He'd walk in and question Henry anyways. Though the other option wasn't as appealing either-hiding in the art classroom and waiting for Roy to leave.

He opted for eyeing the art along the walls, large canvases, both empty and painted, set up around the room. Clay sculptures littered the wooden counter resting along the wall, as well as forgotten sketchbooks.

Maybe Roy wasn't even headed this way and he would simply walk right past the classroom and Henry would be able to carry on with his day. Though that was obviously very unlikely. A few seconds later, and Henry heard the door creak open.


That was not Roy's voice. Still, he knew that voice. It belonged to Lucien Harding, William's tutor.

"Oh, uh hey, Lucien."

His face was blank, as if he were an unmoving marble statue, completely emotionless. "You don't happen to know where William is, do you? I need to speak with him."

Henry frowned. Now that he thought about it, he hadn't seen William in any of the classes they shared today. "I don't know, honestly. Haven't seen him all day."


"Yeah. Um, I'm sure he'll show up soon. He always randomly disappears like this sometimes, especially when it's so close to the weekend. I just think he needed some time alone, you know? He's going through some things."

"I see." His voice was even. "Thanks, Henry."

"No problem."

Henry watched as Lucien turned on his heel, then strode out of the classroom. That was strange, he thought. He'd never actually spoken to Lucien-at least, not since the World History project they'd been partnered together to do their first year at the academy.

Almost as soon as he left, another very familiar person by the name of Roy walked in with a foxlike grin on his face. "I didn't know you were into art, Henry Clover."

Henry's lips turned downward. "A new hobby of mine, actually."

Roy came to a stop at the desk in front of him, pushing up on it so that he could sit on it. He leaned back, his arms keeping his weight up as he stared at Henry with a gleam in his eyes. "Is that so?"

"Yes," he said, glancing back at the art adorned on the walls. "It is."

"So you wouldn't mind helping me with my art project then?"

"Well, actually I-"

Roy interrupted him. "I was just joking, lover boy. You don't have to worry about spending time with me any more."

Henry's eyebrows furrowed. "You don't mean the library thing, right? I, I thought it was a joke. Besides," he continued, resolutely not looking anywhere in his general direction, "I don't need your help anymore."

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