Chapter 8

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   I finally make it to a small village, then a random girl comes up to me while crying. "PLEASE HELP ME! MY BROTHER GOT TAKEN BY A DEMON." My eyes widen, "What did he look like and did you last see him?" I ask. "He has a yellow and orange haori on." She says as she walks, I follow her. We make it near a house, "Here, my brother and I were walking then a demon took him!" She says. "Okay, I'll be here to protect you. Go into the house and I'll get your brother back." She nods and goes into the house, I sense a demon and I turn around. There I see two demons just devouring a boy, the boy had a yellow and orange haori... my eyes widen. That's her brother? a tear runs down my face.

    I wipe it away and I run toward the demons, "Total Concentration.. Third Form: Loathsome Moon- Chains." I slash my sword rapidly in two cresent slashes, I manage to cut their arms off but not their head. They jump away, "DARN DEMON SLAYERS, I WAS ENJOYING MY DINNER." One of them says, I roll my eyes and I chase them. They keep running away, "To scared huh?" I say, they turn around "IM NOT SCARED." I jump over and land behind them, I slash my sword cutting one of the demons head off.

     "NO SISTER!" The demons says, my eyes widen. Siblings?.. "ILL GET YOU FOR KILLING MY SISTER!" The demon swings at me, he catches me by the neck. He starts to choke me, I kick it's face and I land on my feet. "Total Concentration.. Fifth Form: Moon Spirit Calamitous Eddy." I make multiple curved slashes, layering one over another. I decapitate the demon, it's head rolls away. "M-mom?" The demon says while crying, I walk over "I-im sorry." I say crying. "I'll be with mom, dad and sister now.." he says, the sun rises and the demons bodies disappear. I feel so bad..

    I sniff as I get up, "W-where's my brother?" The girl asks. I turn around to see the girl, "I hate to say that.. he's gone." I say. The girl breaks down and starts to cry, I hug her in my arms. "He's in a better place now.. don't worry." I say wiping her tears, "He is..?" She asks. I nod, "I bet he's proud of you for staying so brave I say." She smiles. "Where do I go now?" She asks, "Do you have parents?" I ask. She nods, "Go to them, and tell them that your brother is in a better place." I say. She nods and walks away with a tiny smile, may the brother rest in piece.. I think as I look up at the sunrise.

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