Chapter 2

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*still haven't figured out who I think Daniel should be played by... Any ideas? If you find someone who you think would be perfect for Daniel message me or comment his name. Whoever has the best one before 100 reads gets a follow for creativity!
In case you haven't noticed; 🍂= WrenP.O.V. And 🍃= Daniel's P.O.V
You'll find out why soon enough if you haven't already.

Since all that beat about in Nature's rage,
Or veer or vanish; why should'st thou remain,
The only constant in a world of change,
O yearning Thought! that live'st but in the brain?
Call to the Hours, that in the distance play,
The faery people of the future day

Samuel Taylor Coleridge, Constancy to an Ideal Object


Wren woke up to a bang against the wall. Startled she bolted upward. The bookshelf over her bed toppled over. The paint by her bed was scraped off showing the ugly gray that it was painted over. Wren's City of Heavenly Fire book almost landed an her head, which most likely would have resorted in a concussion. She managed to dodge out of the way quick enough to only get Fangirl dropped on her wings.
Her wings.

When Wren looked behind her she saw two, ice blue wings sticking out of her back. She stifled a scream as she moved her hand behind her back to pluck a feather. Tears ran down her eyes as she unsuccessfully tried to pull out the feathers and black blood covered her hands.

When she looked in the mirror she could see the wings better. Much like angel wings only they had a silver evil glint to them like razor blades. Someone knocked on the door;

"Wren? You alright?" Her mom called

"Yeah mom," Trying to clear her throat of tears. Her mom tried to open her door but it was locked, Wren silently thanked the Lord. "I'm just really bad today's all."

"Do you need to go to the hospital?" Over protective.

"No mom, I think I'll just stay in my-" Her voice cracked as she choked on her words. It was a lie, she wouldn't stay in her room. Her mom took it another way.

"Are you throwing up? Are the ticks making you sick? I have to go to work... I could stay home-"

"No!" Wren said a little to anxiously. "No, um, I'll be fine. Go."

"Are you sure?" Her mom said still talking trough the door.

"Yeah, mom, I'll be ok, go."

"Alright... um.... hope you feel better honey. Love you. Don't forget your medicine."

"Thanks mom, I wont, love you too." And with that her mom was out of the house.


Daniel woke up groggy eyed and alert. He had slept for 326 minutes and counting. Getting up, Daniel made his way to the kitchen. Sitting at the granite counter was his father eating cocoa puffs.

"Hey, Dan-" His father looked up at him and away from the Ivy Instinct, (the town news paper) and stared at his son for a minute.

"What?" Daniel asked. His father just shook his head and looked back down at the Instinct.

"Nothing, your hair looked weird for a minute. Like wires or something..." His voice trailed off but Daniel wasn't listening. Running to the bathroom in his room he saw his dad was right. Instead of the usual dirty blonde hair colour he had gold, bronze, and copper wires as hair. Running his hand through it he felt the metal scrape against his skin. Pulling his hand back he looked at his hand to see yellow blood covering it were his hair had scraped it.

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