Chapter 4

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Dark frost was in the air without,
The dusk was still with cold and gloom,
When less then even a shadow came
And stood within the room.

Walter De La Mare "Winter Dusk"

All of the memories came crashing back into Wren's head. Who she was, where she was, what she was. She felt anger boil up inside her as she pushed Daniel away and slapped him.

"You lying son of a bitch." Holding his face Daniel looked up at her confused.


"Oh? You think I don't know what you are?" She squinted up at him. "A goddy little Sunny Boy. I've been hanging out with a goddy little Sunny Boy."

"I'm sorry, a what? A Sunny Boy? That's like what my grandma used to call me. Sonny boy." Wren's eyes widened.

"You seriously don't know?" Her voice was filled with a gossiping tone that might have been used by housewives in the 1940s. She cleared her throat again before dancing around Daniel singing; "Sunny Boy, Sunny Boy, oh Sunny Sunny Sunny Sunny Boy, they'll rip your limbs off!"

"Wren? Calm down. What just happened?" Wren froze in place and collapsed, leaving Daniel diving to catch her before a twig got stuck in her wings. Again opening her eyes she looked at Daniel.

"You don't know, I don't know, they don't know."

"Who doesn't know what?"

"The Fay. The Fay don't know what we are. They want me for some Crown of Stone. And you..."

"Me what?" Her eyes widened in fear as she bolted up and started pulling him in some random direction.

"You. You should not be here! Me, they won't kill me but they'd love to kill you. We have to leave-"

"Who? Who is trying to kill- ow!" Wren screamed and watched Daniel fall to the ground, a blow dart made of crow feathers sticking from his tan back. Looking around frantically she saw a human shape coming towards her.

"Help!" She called at the shape. "We need- oh my-" Her back slammed against a tree, feathers providing very little cushion. After hitting the ground she saw that shape grow until it was directly in front of her. It had black feathers for hair and a black splotch of skin on it's left side of it's face, disappearing into the hair line. It took Wren a minute for herself to focus and realise it was a boy.

"Hey Sessey."

Hey guys! Sorry if there are any typos. I'm writing this on my kindle because my little brother dropped my phone in the toilet so it is currently sitting in a bowl of rice! So if there are any typos tell me so I can fix them and I'll erase your comment so you don't sound like a jerk. Oh and sorry for the short chapter. Like I said I'm writing this on my kindle and it's hard to type without my keyboard accessory which I can't grab right now so.... Btw how do you like my new screen name Maxine Green? I thought about it and I'm like "Why not?" P.S. My book covers aren't up to date with that yet so give me a few days :)
-Max (I am I girl btw. Max is short for Maxine like I already said my new pseudonym is Maxine Green so yeah)

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