Love at first sight?

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Love at first sight?

There he was, Hayes Grier.
A sentence containing only 5 words and can turn heads.

Hayes and the rest of his football team had come down to watch the school volley ball game, a game of which I am apart of.

He was over there talking to Rhianna Morgan's, the cheer leader.  Yup you guessed it, average school slut.

She's one of those girls that flirt with everyone! She's been flirting with Hayes this past couple of weeks.

It's usually a different boy each week but she has seemed to stay with Hayes longer than any boy before and it really riles me up!

He could do so much better!

But I don't no why I always get so jealous, why would Hayes want to talk to a girl like me when he can have... Her!?

I was pulling my shoes on when I noticed him looking at me.

Was he.... Checking me out!?

Self consciously I pulled down my skirt and stood up not making eye contact.

But with those glowing blue eyes that remind you of the ocean it's hard not to look.

He shot me that cheeky smile of his that showed of his dimples sending a chill down my spine, I could feel the hairs on my neck stick up.

He just had the control over me.

I turned away rubbed my eyes in disbelief and pulled my brown locks tight into my pony tail.

Soon the whistle blew and the game started, I could feel Hayes' stare on me but i shook it if concentrating on the game.


We were loosing and we need to pick up the game and get back on track.

But I couldn't concentrate, I kept glancing over at Hayes. He was there watching the game, his mouth hanging open slightly as he was so engrossed in the game.

I was stuck in my trance staring at him, idolising each part of his body.

Realising I wasn't watching what I was doing I turned back to the game, it so happens I hadn't noticed the ball coming at me.

I tried to hit the ball but it was to late it hit me straight in the face. I fell back onto the court, my head banging, tears brimming in my eyes.

I couldn't really see anything from the tears blurring my vision however I could here coach Grier bounding up to me.

"someone get Miss Lowe to the nurse, boys?" His husky voice echoed.

"I will coach!" A deep voice spoke, I knew that voice.

"Thanks lad. Everyone out!" Coach echoed as everyone started bundling of the court and left me and the boy with the deep voice behind

I heard footsteps waking to me as my vision began to clear. I turn my head slightly and see the boy of my dreams... Hayes.

"Can you stand up?" Hayes asked me. My breath hitched in my throat.

"Erm, well I can try" I said in an embarrassed whisper. I tried pushing up of the hard ground but found myself to weak. How could I be to stupid in front of the boy I have had a crush on for years!?

"No, I can't." I sniffled, embarrassed. He looked confused on what to do scratching his head.

"Well then ms Lowe I guess I'm gonna have to carry you." Hayes laughed after a short while.

He scooped me up of the ground and cradled me in his arms like a baby.

"that better?" He asked with a toothy smile.

"Yeah thanks,a lot better, more than you can imagine." I blabbed laughing slightly.

"Hurt that much, ay?" He replied not understand what I meant.

"Hmm.." I hummed trying to figure out how this was happening.

"Awh poor you ... I'm sorry I've forgotten your name." he laughed awkwardly.

"My name faith. " I giggled staring up into his eyes.

"Well, Faith, I'm not leaving your side until your feeling better." I was in shock and disbelief, all these years all it took was me to get hit in the face for the boy of my dreams to talk to me. 

"No, no you don't have to." I reasoned, hoping he would disagree. I didn't  want him to think he had to stay.

"No I'm staying with you!" he stated.

"If you must." I sighed but inside I was buzzing.

He carried me into the nurses office and sat me down on the chair. he walked over to the desk to explain what had happened to me I guess, I still couldn't take my eyes off him.

his muscular body looking so damn good in his tight Davidson Day school sports shirt that showed of his pecks and biceps. 

he turned around to look at me wiggling his eyes brows making me giggle a little.

He was such a dork and a cutie at the same time.

I didn't want to fall into the trap, but it was to late I was falling for Hayes Grier, Hard...


First chapter then!

Hope you likeeeee!

Leave me an interesting comment ;)

~ Faithy

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