Five: Time For a Sleepover

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"I don't know if it's a good idea for me to come over tonight, Kirichan—" Nadoka's voice was soft, and the redhead could hear the obvious regret and sadness in it, even over the phone— "My dad doesn't have a Quirk, and after what happened on Thursday, I'm nervous to leave him alone."

Kirishima sighed, the noise broken by a crackle of static. He wanted to be upset, but he couldn't be. He knew she had been shaken up that day; all of them had. Even Bakugou, though he'd never admit it, and he could understand why she would be so uneasy to leave her father alone, especially if he was Quirkless. But, nevertheless, he still wanted to spend time with her. It was selfish, but he was scared, and she was one of the only people who ever calmed him down and made him feel safe. "Are you sure? No one's heard anything about the League since Thursday, and I don't think they know who you are, much less where you live."

Nadoka considered this. She wanted to go more than anything, but she was terrified of leaving her father, especially after she recognized Kurugiri at the USJ. And she couldn't exactly tell Kirishima he was wrong and that the League most certainly knew who she was and where she lived. "I'm just worried. He's not the strongest of men."

"Takachan, I'm sure your father can handle himself for one night. If it makes you feel better, I can have my parents call him before she goes to bed and first thing in the morning to make sure he's okay?"

Nadoka shook her head before she realized Kirishima couldn't see her, placing a bowl of rice on the counter and taking a bite as she stared at the back of her father's head. He was enraptured in a succulent, petting and cooing at it as though it were his own child. He didn't even know that there had been an attack. "No, that's alright. I don't want your mother to have to go through the trouble, and my father is bad about missing phone calls anyway." She hoped the lie would suffice, and thankfully it did.

"Please, Takachan? You haven't come to anything yet, and it can't be fun to stay cooped up in your house all day. You do know you're allowed to have fun once in a while, right?" Kirishima pleaded, and Nadoka nearly cried at his words. Of course she wasn't allowed to have fun, she was too busy being an adult to have fun like a child.

She sighed, her voice a tremoring whisper. "What if something happens to him?"

"What if we came to your house? Would your father be mad if you had boys over?" Kirishima asked, and Nadoka thought about it. She glanced at the clock on her stove. 5:34 PM. She considered her options a moment, before slowly hatching an idea.

"You know what? Yeah, you can come to my house. My dad will be fine with it. Can you guys come around 6:30?" She asked eventually, excitement fluttering in her chest.

She had to pull the phone away from her ear slightly as Kirishima gave a loud whoop. "Hell yeah! I'll text 'Kugo, we'll see you soon, love you, bye!"

Nadoka could barely utter out a goodbye before Kirishima had hung up, and Nadoka was left to stare at her rice, eyes widening. Did I just do that? Tell me I didn't just do that. She looked up at her father and sighed. I really did that. I have to get him settled in somewhere out of sight.

"Papa? Would you like to take a shower before bed tonight?" Nadoka asked, discarding her forgotten rice and walking around to kneel in front of her father's wheelchair. He slowly looked at her, his fingers lightly stroking the petals of his plant.

"No-No? What happened to your face?" He breathed, ignoring his daughter's question as he looked at the bandage on her forehead, one shaking hand reaching out to touch it softly.

She cursed herself for allowing him to see the white cloth, standing back up again and gripping the back of his chair, pushing him toward the shower. "Nothing, Papa. I fell down at school, that's all. Come, let's get a shower, and if you're good I'll let you put on the plant show."

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